

Inheritance diagram of psydac.fem.splines

SplineSpace(degree[, knots, grid, ...])

a 1D Splines Finite Element space


class SplineSpace(degree, knots=None, grid=None, multiplicity=None, parent_multiplicity=None, periodic=False, dirichlet=(False, False), basis='B', pads=None)[source]#

Bases: FemSpace

a 1D Splines Finite Element space


Polynomial degree.


Coordinates of knots (clamped or extended by periodicity).

grid: array_like

Coordinates of the grid. Used to construct the knots sequence, if not given.

multiplicity: int

Multiplicity of the knots in the knot sequence.

parent_multiplicity: int

Multiplicity of the parent knot sequence, if the space is reduced space.


True if domain is periodic, False otherwise. Default: False

dirichlettuple, list

True if using homogeneous dirichlet boundary conditions, False otherwise. Must be specified for each bound Default: (False, False)


Set to “B” for B-splines (have partition of unity) Set to “M” for M-splines (have unit integrals)

property histopolation_grid#

Coordinates of the N+1 points x[i] that define the N 1D edges (x[i], x[i+1]) for histopolation, where N is equal to the number of basis functions (i.e. the cardinality of the space).

In the non-periodic case x is simply the array of extended Greville points. In the periodic case we “unroll” the 1D edges to ensure that they correspond to positive, well-defined intervals with x[i] < x[i+1].

init_interpolation(dtype=<class 'float'>)[source]#

Compute the 1D collocation matrix and factorize it, in preparation for the calculation of a spline interpolant given the values at the Greville points.

init_histopolation(dtype=<class 'float'>)[source]#

Compute the 1D histopolation matrix and factorize it, in preparation for the calculation of a spline interpolant given the integrals within the cells defined by the extended Greville points.

property ldim#

Parametric dimension.

property periodic#

True if domain is periodic, False otherwise.

property pads#

Padding for potential parallel assembly.

property mapping#

Assume identity mapping for now.

property vector_space#

Returns the topological associated vector space.

property is_product#

Boolean flag that describes whether the space is a product space. If True, an element of this space can be decomposed into separate fields.

property symbolic_space#

Symbolic space.

eval_field(field, *eta, weights=None)[source]#

Evaluate field at location(s) eta.


Field object (element of FemSpace) to be evaluated.

etalist of float or numpy.ndarray

Evaluation point(s) in logical domain.

weightsStencilVector, optional

Weights of the basis functions, such that weights.space == field.coeffs.space.

valuefloat or numpy.ndarray

Field value(s) at location(s) eta.

eval_field_gradient(field, *eta, weights=None)[source]#

Evaluate field gradient at location(s) eta.


Field object (element of FemSpace) to be evaluated.

etalist of float or numpy.ndarray

Evaluation point(s) in logical domain.

weightsStencilVector, optional

Weights of the basis functions, such that weights.space == field.coeffs.space.

valuefloat or numpy.ndarray

Value(s) of field gradient at location(s) eta.

property is_scalar#

Only scalar field is implemented for now.

property basis#
property interpolation_grid#
property nbasis#

Number of basis functions, i.e. cardinality of spline space.

property degree#

Spline degree.

property ncells#

Number of cells in domain.

property dirichlet#

True if using homogeneous dirichlet boundary conditions, False otherwise.

property knots#

Knot sequence.

property multiplicity#
property parent_multiplicity#
property breaks#

List of breakpoints.

property domain#

Domain boundaries [a,b].

property greville#

Coordinates of all Greville points. Used for interpolation.

property ext_greville#

Greville coordinates of ‘extended’ space with degree p+1. Used for histopolation.

property scaling_array#

If self.basis==’M’, return array used to rescale B-splines to M-splines If self.basis==’B’, return None.

The length of the scaling array is (len(knots)-degree-1).

compute_interpolant(values, field)[source]#

Compute field (i.e. update its spline coefficients) such that it interpolates a certain function \(f(x)\) at the Greville points.

valuesarray_like (nbasis,)

Function values \(f(x_i)\) at the ‘nbasis’ Greville points \(x_i\), to be interpolated.


Input/output argument: spline that has to interpolate the given values.

compute_histopolant(values, field)[source]#

Compute field (i.e. update its spline coefficients) such that its integrals between the extended Greville points match the given values.

valuesarray_like (nbasis,)

Integral values between the ‘nbasis’ extended Greville cells \([x_i, x_{i+1}]\), to be matched by the spline.


Input/output argument: spline that has to match the given integral values.


Create a refined 1D spline space with the given number of cells.


Number of cells of refined space. Must be multiple of self.ncells.


Refined 1D spline space which contains the original space.
