

Inheritance diagram of psydac.api.feec

DiscreteDerham(mapping, *spaces)

A discrete de Rham sequence built over a single-patch geometry.


class DiscreteDerham(mapping, *spaces)[source]#

Bases: BasicDiscrete

A discrete de Rham sequence built over a single-patch geometry.

mappingMapping or None

Symbolic mapping from the logical space to the physical space, if any.

*spaceslist of FemSpace

The discrete spaces of the de Rham sequence.


  • The basic type Mapping is defined in module sympde.topology.mapping. A discrete mapping (spline or NURBS) may be attached to it.

  • This constructor should not be called directly, but rather from the discretize_derham function in psydac.api.discretization.

  • For the multipatch counterpart of this class please see MultipatchDiscreteDerham in psydac.feec.multipatch.api.

property dim#

Dimension of the physical and logical domains, which are assumed to be the same.

property V0#

First space of the de Rham sequence : H1 space

property V1#

Second space of the de Rham sequence : - 1d : L2 space - 2d : either Hdiv or Hcurl space - 3d : Hcurl space

property V2#

Third space of the de Rham sequence : - 2d : L2 space - 3d : Hdiv space

property V3#

Fourth space of the de Rham sequence : L2 space in 3d

property H1vec#

Vector-valued H1 space built as the Cartesian product of N copies of V0, where N is the dimension of the (logical) domain.

property spaces#

Spaces of the proper de Rham sequence (excluding Hvec).

property mapping#

The mapping from the logical space to the physical space.

property callable_mapping#

The mapping as a callable.

property derivatives_as_matrices#

Differential operators of the De Rham sequence as LinearOperator objects.

property derivatives#

Differential operators of the De Rham sequence as DiffOperator objects.

Those are objects with domain and codomain properties that are FemSpace, they act on FemField (they take a FemField of their domain as input and return a FemField of their codomain.

projectors(*, kind='global', nquads=None)[source]#

Projectors mapping callable functions of the physical coordinates to a corresponding FemField object in the De Rham sequence.


Type of the projection : at the moment, only global is accepted and returns geometric commuting projectors based on interpolation/histopolation for the De Rham sequence (GlobalProjector objects).

nquadslist(int) | tuple(int)

Number of quadrature points along each direction, to be used in Gauss quadrature rule for computing the (approximated) degrees of freedom.

P0, …, Pncallables

Projectors that can be called on any callable function that maps from the physical space to R (scalar case) or R^d (vector case) and returns a FemField belonging to the i-th space of the De Rham sequence