

Inheritance diagram of psydac.api.basic

BasicCodeGen(expr, *[, folder, comm, root, ...])

Basic class for any discrete concept that needs code generation.

BasicDiscrete(expr, kernel_expr, *[, ...])

mapping is the symbolic mapping here.


class BasicCodeGen(expr, *, folder=None, comm=None, root=None, discrete_space=None, kernel_expr=None, nquads=None, is_rational_mapping=None, mapping=None, mapping_space=None, num_threads=None, backend=None)[source]#

Bases: object

Basic class for any discrete concept that needs code generation.

folder: str

The output folder where we generate the code.

comm: MPI.Comm

The mpi communicator used in the parallel case.

root: int

The process that is responsible of generating the code.

discrete_space: FemSpace | list of FemSpace

The discrete fem spaces.


The atomic representation of the bi-linear form.

nquads: list of tuple

The number of quadrature points used in the assembly method.


takes the value of True if the mapping is rational.

mapping: Sympde.topology.Mapping

The symbolic mapping of the bi-linear form domain.

mapping_space: FemSpace

The discete space of the mapping.

num_threads: int

Number of threads used in the computing kernels.

backend: dict

The backend used to accelerate the computing kernels. The content of the dictionary can be found in psydac/api/settings.py.

property expr#
property tag#
property user_functions#
property free_args#
property ast#
property code#
property func#
property backend#
property comm#
property root#
property folder#
property dependencies_fname#
property dependencies_modname#
class BasicDiscrete(expr, kernel_expr, *, folder=None, comm=None, root=None, discrete_space=None, nquads=None, is_rational_mapping=None, mapping=None, mapping_space=None, num_threads=None, backend=None)[source]#

Bases: BasicCodeGen

mapping is the symbolic mapping here. kwargs is used to pass user defined functions for the moment.

property kernel_expr#
property target#
property mapping#
property is_rational_mapping#
property max_nderiv#