

Inheritance diagram of psydac.polar.dense

DenseMatrix(V, W, data)

DenseVector(V, data)

DenseVectorSpace(n, *[, dtype, cart, ...])

Space of one-dimensional global arrays, NOT distributed across processes.


class DenseVectorSpace(n, *, dtype=numpy.float64, cart=None, radial_dim=0, angle_dim=1)[source]#

Bases: VectorSpace

Space of one-dimensional global arrays, NOT distributed across processes.

Typical examples are the right-hand side vector b and solution vector x of a linear system A*x=b.


Number of vector components.

dtypedata-type, optional

Desired data-type for the arrays (default is numpy.float64).

cartpsydac.ddm.cart.CartDecomposition, optional

N-dimensional Cartesian communicator with N >= 2 (default is None).

radial_dimint, optional

Dimension index for radial variable (default is 0).

angle_dimint, optional

Dimension index for angle variable (default is 1).


  • The current implementation is tailored to the algorithm for imposing C^1 continuity of a field on a domain with a polar singularity (O-point).

  • Given an N-dimensional Cartesian communicator (N=2+M), each process belongs to 3 different subcommunicators:

    1. An ‘angular’ 1D subcommunicator, where all processes share the same identical (M+1)-dimensional array;

    2. A ‘radial’ 1D subcommunicator, where only the ‘master’ process has access to the data array (other processes store a 0-length array);

    3. A ‘tensor’ M-dimensional subcommunicator, where the data array is distributed among processes and requires the usual StencilVector communication pattern.

  • When computing the dot product between two vectors, the following operations will be performed in sequence:

    1. Processes with radial coordinate = 0 compute a local dot product;

    2. Processes with radial coordinate = 0 perform an MPI_ALLREDUCE operation on the ‘tensor’ subcommunicator;

    3. All processes perform an MPI_BCAST operation on the ‘radial’ subcommunicator (process with radial coordinate = 0 is the root);

property dimension#

The dimension of a vector space V is the cardinality (i.e. the number of vectors) of a basis of V over its base field.

property dtype#

The data type of the field over which the space is built.


Get a copy of the null element of the DenseVectorSpace V.


A new vector object with all components equal to zero.

axpy(a, x, y)[source]#

Increment the vector y with the a-scaled vector x, i.e. y = a * x + y, provided that x and y belong to the same vector space V (self). The scalar value a may be real or complex, depending on the field of V.


The scaling coefficient needed for the operation.


The vector which is not modified by this function.


The vector modified by this function (incremented by a * x).

property parallel#
property ncoeff#

Local number of coefficients.

property tensor_comm#
property angle_comm#
property radial_comm#
property radial_root#
class DenseVector(V, data)[source]#

Bases: Vector

property space#

Vector space to which this vector belongs.

property dtype#

The data type of the vector field V this vector belongs to.


Evaluate the scalar product with the vector v of the same space.


Vector belonging to the same space as self.


Compute the complex conjugate vector.

If the field is real (i.e. self.dtype in (np.float32, np.float64)) this method is equivalent to copy. If the field is complex (i.e. self.dtype in (np.complex64, np.complex128)) this method returns the complex conjugate of self, element-wise.

The behavior of this function is similar to numpy.conjugate(self, out=None).


Ensure x.copy(out=x) returns x and not a new object.


Convert to Numpy 1D array.

update_ghost_regions(*, direction=None)[source]#
property ghost_regions_in_sync#
class DenseMatrix(V, W, data)[source]#

Bases: LinearOperator

property domain#

The domain of the linear operator - an element of Vectorspace

property codomain#

The codomain of the linear operator - an element of Vectorspace


Transpose the LinearOperator .

If conjugate is True, return the Hermitian transpose.

property dtype#
dot(v, out=None)[source]#

Apply linear operator to Vector v. Result is written to Vector out, if provided.


Convert to Numpy 2D array.
