

construct_itergener(a, index)

Create the generator and the iterator based on a and the index

construct_logical_expressions(u, nderiv[, lhs])


returns the number of partial derivatives in expr.




Inheritance diagram of psydac.api.ast.nodes


Allocate(arr, shape)


ArityType(*args, **kwargs)

Base class representing a form type: bilinear/linear/functional

Array(data[, dtype])

ArrayNode(*args, **kwargs)

AtomicNode(*args, **kwargs)

BaseNode(*args, **kwargs)


Used to describe a temporary for the basis coefficient or in the kernel.

BilinearArity(*args, **kwargs)


This class represents a Block of statements

BlockLinearOperatorNode(*args, **kwargs)

BlockScalarLocalBasis([trials, tests, expr, ...])

This is used to describe a block of scalar dofs over an element

BlockStencilMatrixGlobalBasis(trials, tests, ...)

used to describe local dof over an element as a block stencil matrix

BlockStencilMatrixLocalBasis(trials, tests, ...)

used to describe local dof over an element as a block stencil matrix

BlockStencilVectorGlobalBasis(tests, pads, ...)

used to describe local dof over an element as a block stencil matrix

BlockStencilVectorLocalBasis(tests, pads, expr)

used to describe local dof over an element as a block stencil matrix


ComputeKernelExpr(expr[, weights])

ComputeLogical(expr[, weights, lhs])

ComputeLogicalBasis(expr[, lhs])




Element(*args, **kwargs)



EvalField(domain, atoms, q_index, l_index, ...)

This function computes atomic expressions needed to evaluate EvaluteField/VectorField final expression

EvalMapping(domain, quads, indices_basis, ...)

This function computes atomic expressions needed to evaluate EvalMapping final expression.

Evaluation(*args, **kwargs)

ExprNode(*args, **kwargs)


The Expression class gives us the possibility to create specific instructions for some dimension, where the generated code is not in a vectorized form.

FieldEvaluation(*args, **kwargs)

FloorDiv(arg1, arg2)

FunctionalArity(*args, **kwargs)

GeneratorBase(target, dummies)


GeometryExpr(expr[, dtype])

GeometryExpressions(M, nderiv[, dtype])

GlobalElementBasis(*args, **kwargs)

GlobalSpanArray(target[, index])

This represents the global span array

GlobalTensorQuadratureBasis(target[, index])

GlobalTensorQuadratureGrid(*args, **kwargs)

This class represents the quadrature points and weights in a domain.

GlobalTensorQuadratureTestBasis(target[, index])

GlobalTensorQuadratureTrialBasis(target[, index])


This represents the threads ends over the decomposed domain


This represents the number of elements owned by a thread

GlobalThreadSpanArray(target[, index])

This represents the global span array of each thread


This represents the threads starts over the decomposed domain

Grid(*args, **kwargs)



IndexDof([start, stop, length, index])

IndexDofTest([start, stop, length, index])

IndexDofTrial([start, stop, length, index])

IndexElement([start, stop, length, index])

IndexInnerDofTest([start, stop, length, index])

IndexNode([start, stop, length, index])

Base class representing one index of an iterator

IndexOuterDofTest([start, stop, length, index])

IndexQuadrature([start, stop, length, index])


IteratorBase(target[, dummies])

LengthDof([target, index])

LengthDofTest([target, index])

LengthDofTrial([target, index])

LengthElement([target, index])

LengthInnerDofTest([target, index])

LengthNode([target, index])

Base class representing one length of an iterator

LengthOuterDofTest([target, index])

LengthQuadrature([target, index])

LinearArity(*args, **kwargs)

LocalElementBasis(*args, **kwargs)

LocalIndexElement([start, stop, length, index])

LocalSpanArray(target[, index])

This represents the local span array

LocalTensorQuadratureBasis(target[, index])

LocalTensorQuadratureGrid(*args, **kwargs)

This class represents the element wise quadrature points and weights in a domain.

LocalTensorQuadratureTestBasis(target[, index])

LocalTensorQuadratureTrialBasis(target[, index])


This represents the local threads ends over the decomposed domain


This represents the local threads starts over the decomposed domain




Loop(iterable, index, *[, stmts, mask, ...])

class to describe a dimensionless loop of an iterator over a generator.

MappingEvaluation(*args, **kwargs)

Mask(axis, ext)

MatrixCoordsFromRank(*args, **kwargs)

MatrixGlobalBasis(target, test[, dtype])

used to describe global dof

MatrixLocalBasis(target[, dtype])

used to describe local dof over an element

MatrixNode(*args, **kwargs)

MatrixQuadrature(target[, dtype])

MatrixRankFromCoords(*args, **kwargs)

Max(*args, **kwargs)

Min(*args, **kwargs)


NeighbourThreadCoordinates([start, stop, ...])


NumThreads([target, index])

Pads(tests[, trials, tests_degree, ...])

This represents the global pads

ParallelBlock([default, private, shared, ...])

Pattern(*args, **kwargs)




PlusGlobalTensorQuadratureGrid(*args, **kwargs)

This class represents the quadrature points and weights in the plus side of an interface.

PlusLocalTensorQuadratureGrid(*args, **kwargs)

This class represents the element wise quadrature points and weights in the plus side of an interface.

PlusTensorQuadrature(*args, **kwargs)

This class represents the quadrature point and weight in the plus side of an interface.

ProductGenerator(target, dummies)

This class represent an element of an array with arbitrary number of dimensions.

ProductIteration(iterator, generator)

ProductIterator(target[, dummies])

RAT(*args, **kwargs)

RankDimension(*args, **kwargs)

RankNode(*args, **kwargs)

Base class representing a rank of an iterator

Reduce(op, rhs, lhs, loop)

Reduction(op, expr[, lhs])

Reset(var[, expr])

ScalarLocalBasis([u, v, tag, dtype])

This is used to describe scalar dof over an element

ScalarNode(*args, **kwargs)

Span(target[, index])

This represents the span of a basis in an element

SpanArray(target[, index])

This represents the global span array

SplitArray(target, positions, lengths)

StencilMatrixGlobalBasis(u, v, pads[, tag, ...])

used to describe local dof over an element as a stencil matrix

StencilMatrixLocalBasis(u, v, pads[, tag, dtype])

used to describe local dof over an element as a stencil matrix

StencilVectorGlobalBasis(v, pads[, tag, dtype])

used to describe local dof over an element as a stencil vector

StencilVectorLocalBasis(v, pads[, tag, dtype])

used to describe local dof over an element as a stencil vector



TensorAssignExpr(lhs, rhs)



TensorGenerator(target, dummies)

This class represent an array list of array elements with arbitrary number of dimensions.



TensorIteration(iterator, generator)

TensorIterator(target[, dummies])



TensorQuadrature(*args, **kwargs)

This class represents the quadrature point and weight in a domain.






ThreadCoordinates([start, stop, length, index])

ThreadId([start, stop, length, index])


VectorAssign(lhs, rhs[, op])

WeightedVolumeQuadrature(*args, **kwargs)

WhileLoop(condition, body)

Zeros(shape[, dtype])

ZerosLike(*args, **kwargs)



returns the number of partial derivatives in expr. this assumes that expr is of the form d(a) where a is a single atom.

class ZerosLike(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: Function

property rhs#
class Zeros(shape, dtype='float64')[source]#

Bases: Function

property shape#
property dtype#
class Array(data, dtype=None)[source]#

Bases: Function

property data#
property dtype#
class FloorDiv(arg1, arg2)[source]#

Bases: Function

property arg1#
property arg2#
class Max(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: Expr

class Min(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: Expr

class Allocate(arr, shape)[source]#

Bases: Basic

property array#
property shape#
class VectorAssign(lhs, rhs, op=None)[source]#

Bases: Basic

property lhs#
property rhs#
property op#
class ArityType(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: with_metaclass

Base class representing a form type: bilinear/linear/functional

class BilinearArity(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: ArityType

class LinearArity(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: ArityType

class FunctionalArity(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: ArityType

class LengthNode(target=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: Expr

Base class representing one length of an iterator

property target#
property index#
class LengthElement(target=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: LengthNode

class LengthQuadrature(target=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: LengthNode

class LengthDof(target=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: LengthNode

class LengthDofTrial(target=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: LengthNode

class LengthDofTest(target=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: LengthNode

class LengthOuterDofTest(target=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: LengthNode

class LengthInnerDofTest(target=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: LengthNode

class NumThreads(target=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: LengthNode

class TensorExpression(*args)[source]#

Bases: Expr

class TensorIntDiv(*args)[source]#

Bases: TensorExpression

class TensorAdd(*args)[source]#

Bases: TensorExpression

class TensorMul(*args)[source]#

Bases: TensorExpression

class TensorMax(*args)[source]#

Bases: TensorExpression

class TensorInteger(*args)[source]#

Bases: TensorExpression

class TensorAssignExpr(lhs, rhs)[source]#

Bases: Basic

property lhs#
property rhs#
class IndexNode(start=0, stop=None, length=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: Expr

Base class representing one index of an iterator

property start#
property stop#
property length#
property index#
set_range(start=sympy.Expr, stop=None, length=None)[source]#
class IndexElement(start=0, stop=None, length=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: IndexNode

class IndexQuadrature(start=0, stop=None, length=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: IndexNode

class IndexDof(start=0, stop=None, length=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: IndexNode

class IndexDofTrial(start=0, stop=None, length=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: IndexDof

class IndexDofTest(start=0, stop=None, length=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: IndexDof

class IndexOuterDofTest(start=0, stop=None, length=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: IndexDof

class IndexInnerDofTest(start=0, stop=None, length=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: IndexDof

class ThreadId(start=0, stop=None, length=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: IndexDof

class ThreadCoordinates(start=0, stop=None, length=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: IndexDof

class NeighbourThreadCoordinates(start=0, stop=None, length=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: IndexDof

class LocalIndexElement(start=0, stop=None, length=None, index=None)[source]#

Bases: IndexDof

class IndexDerivative(length=None)[source]#

Bases: IndexNode

class RankNode(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: with_metaclass

Base class representing a rank of an iterator

class RankDimension(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: RankNode

class BaseNode(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: Basic

class Element(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: BaseNode

class Pattern(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: Tuple

class Mask(axis, ext)[source]#

Bases: Basic

property axis#
property ext#
class EvalField(domain, atoms, q_index, l_index, q_basis, coeffs, l_coeffs, g_coeffs, tests, mapping, nderiv, mask=None, dtype='real', quad_loop=None)[source]#

Bases: BaseNode

This function computes atomic expressions needed to evaluate EvaluteField/VectorField final expression


Sympde Domain object

atoms: tuple_like (Expr)

The atomic expression to be evaluated

q_index: <IndexQuadrature>

Indices used for the quadrature loops


Indices used for the basis loops


The 1d basis function of the tensor-product space

coeffstuple_like (CoefficientBasis)

Coefficient of the basis function

l_coeffstuple_like (MatrixLocalBasis)

Local coefficient of the basis functions

g_coeffstuple_like (MatrixGlobalBasis)

Global coefficient of the basis functions

teststuple_like (Variable)

The field to be evaluated


Sympde Mapping object


Maximum number of derivatives


The fixed direction in case of a boundary integral

property inits#
property body#
property dtype#
property pads#
class RAT(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: Basic

class EvalMapping(domain, quads, indices_basis, q_basis, mapping, components, mapping_space, nderiv, mask=None, is_rational=None, trial=None, quad_loop=None)[source]#

Bases: BaseNode

This function computes atomic expressions needed to evaluate EvalMapping final expression.


Sympde Domain object

quads: <IndexQuadrature>

Indices used for the quadrature loops


Indices used for the basis loops


The 1d basis function of the tensor-product space


Sympde Mapping object


The 1d coefficients of the mapping


The vector space of the mapping


Maximum number of derivatives


The fixed direction in case of a boundary integral

is_rational: bool,optional

True if the mapping is rational

property stmts#
property inits#
property coeffs#
class IteratorBase(target, dummies=None)[source]#

Bases: BaseNode

property target#
property dummies#
class TensorIterator(target, dummies=None)[source]#

Bases: IteratorBase

class ProductIterator(target, dummies=None)[source]#

Bases: IteratorBase

class GeneratorBase(target, dummies)[source]#

Bases: BaseNode

property target#
property dummies#
class TensorGenerator(target, dummies)[source]#

Bases: GeneratorBase

This class represent an array list of array elements with arbitrary number of dimensions. the length of the list is given by the rank of target.


the array object


multidimensional index


>>> T = TensorGenerator(GlobalTensorQuadrature(), index_quad)
>>> T
TensorGenerator(GlobalTensorQuadrature(), (IndexQuadrature(),))
>>> ast = parse(T, settings={'dim':2,'nderiv':2,'target':Square()})
>>> ast[0]
((IndexedElement(local_x1, i_quad_1), IndexedElement(local_w1, i_quad_1)),
 (IndexedElement(local_x2, i_quad_2), IndexedElement(local_w2, i_quad_2)))
class ProductGenerator(target, dummies)[source]#

Bases: GeneratorBase

This class represent an element of an array with arbitrary number of dimensions.


the array object


multidimensional index


>>> P = ProductGenerator(MatrixRankFromCoords(), thread_coords)
>>> P
ProductGenerator(MatrixRankFromCoords(), (ThreadCoordinates(),))
>>> ast = parse(P, settings={'dim':2,'nderiv':2,'target':Square()})
>>> ast
IndexedElement(rank_from_coords, thread_coords_1, thread_coords_2)
class Grid(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: BaseNode

class ScalarNode(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: BaseNode, AtomicExpr

class ArrayNode(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: BaseNode, AtomicExpr

property rank#
property positions#
property free_indices#
class MatrixNode(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: ArrayNode

class BlockLinearOperatorNode(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: MatrixNode

class GlobalTensorQuadratureGrid(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: ArrayNode

This class represents the quadrature points and weights in a domain.

property weights#
class PlusGlobalTensorQuadratureGrid(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: GlobalTensorQuadratureGrid

This class represents the quadrature points and weights in the plus side of an interface.

class LocalTensorQuadratureGrid(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: ArrayNode

This class represents the element wise quadrature points and weights in a domain.

property weights#
class PlusLocalTensorQuadratureGrid(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: LocalTensorQuadratureGrid

This class represents the element wise quadrature points and weights in the plus side of an interface.

class TensorQuadrature(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: ScalarNode

This class represents the quadrature point and weight in a domain.

property weights#
class PlusTensorQuadrature(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: TensorQuadrature

This class represents the quadrature point and weight in the plus side of an interface.

class MatrixQuadrature(target, dtype='real')[source]#

Bases: MatrixNode

property target#
property dtype#
class MatrixRankFromCoords(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: MatrixNode

class MatrixCoordsFromRank(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: MatrixNode

class WeightedVolumeQuadrature(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: ScalarNode

class GlobalTensorQuadratureBasis(target, index=None)[source]#

Bases: ArrayNode

property target#
property index#
property unique_scalar_space#
property is_scalar#
class LocalTensorQuadratureBasis(target, index=None)[source]#

Bases: ArrayNode

property target#
property index#
property unique_scalar_space#
property is_scalar#
class TensorQuadratureBasis(target)[source]#

Bases: ArrayNode

property target#
property unique_scalar_space#
property is_scalar#
class CoefficientBasis(target)[source]#

Bases: ScalarNode

property target#
class TensorBasis(target)[source]#

Bases: CoefficientBasis

class GlobalTensorQuadratureTestBasis(target, index=None)[source]#

Bases: GlobalTensorQuadratureBasis

class LocalTensorQuadratureTestBasis(target, index=None)[source]#

Bases: LocalTensorQuadratureBasis

class TensorQuadratureTestBasis(target)[source]#

Bases: TensorQuadratureBasis

class TensorTestBasis(target)[source]#

Bases: TensorBasis

class GlobalTensorQuadratureTrialBasis(target, index=None)[source]#

Bases: GlobalTensorQuadratureBasis

class LocalTensorQuadratureTrialBasis(target, index=None)[source]#

Bases: LocalTensorQuadratureBasis

class TensorQuadratureTrialBasis(target)[source]#

Bases: TensorQuadratureBasis

class TensorTrialBasis(target)[source]#

Bases: TensorBasis

class MatrixGlobalBasis(target, test, dtype='real')[source]#

Bases: MatrixNode

used to describe global dof

property target#
property test#
property dtype#
class MatrixLocalBasis(target, dtype='real')[source]#

Bases: MatrixNode

used to describe local dof over an element

property target#
property dtype#
class StencilMatrixLocalBasis(u, v, pads, tag=None, dtype='real')[source]#

Bases: MatrixNode

used to describe local dof over an element as a stencil matrix

property pads#
property rank#
property name#
property tag#
property dtype#
class StencilMatrixGlobalBasis(u, v, pads, tag=None, dtype='real')[source]#

Bases: MatrixNode

used to describe local dof over an element as a stencil matrix

property pads#
property rank#
property name#
property tag#
property dtype#
class StencilVectorLocalBasis(v, pads, tag=None, dtype='real')[source]#

Bases: MatrixNode

used to describe local dof over an element as a stencil vector

property pads#
property rank#
property name#
property tag#
property dtype#
class StencilVectorGlobalBasis(v, pads, tag=None, dtype='real')[source]#

Bases: MatrixNode

used to describe local dof over an element as a stencil vector

property pads#
property rank#
property name#
property tag#
property dtype#
class LocalElementBasis(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: MatrixNode

tag = '7sxftf'#
class GlobalElementBasis(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: MatrixNode

tag = 'ckllqb'#
class BlockStencilMatrixLocalBasis(trials, tests, expr, dim, tag=None, outer=None, tests_degree=None, trials_degree=None, tests_multiplicity=None, trials_multiplicity=None, dtype='real')[source]#

Bases: BlockLinearOperatorNode

used to describe local dof over an element as a block stencil matrix

property pads#
property rank#
property trials_multiplicity#
property tag#
property expr#
property dtype#
property outer#
property unique_scalar_space#
class BlockStencilMatrixGlobalBasis(trials, tests, pads, multiplicity, expr, tag=None, dtype='real')[source]#

Bases: BlockLinearOperatorNode

used to describe local dof over an element as a block stencil matrix

property pads#
property multiplicity#
property rank#
property tag#
property expr#
property dtype#
property unique_scalar_space#
class BlockStencilVectorLocalBasis(tests, pads, expr, tag=None, dtype='real')[source]#

Bases: BlockLinearOperatorNode

used to describe local dof over an element as a block stencil matrix

property pads#
property rank#
property tag#
property expr#
property dtype#
property unique_scalar_space#
class BlockStencilVectorGlobalBasis(tests, pads, multiplicity, expr, tag=None, dtype='real')[source]#

Bases: BlockLinearOperatorNode

used to describe local dof over an element as a block stencil matrix

property pads#
property multiplicity#
property rank#
property tag#
property expr#
property dtype#
property unique_scalar_space#
class ScalarLocalBasis(u=None, v=None, tag=None, dtype='real')[source]#

Bases: ScalarNode

This is used to describe scalar dof over an element

property tag#
property dtype#
property trial#
property test#
class BlockScalarLocalBasis(trials=None, tests=None, expr=None, tag=None, dtype='real')[source]#

Bases: ScalarNode

This is used to describe a block of scalar dofs over an element

property tag#
property dtype#
property tests#
property trials#
property expr#
class SpanArray(target, index=None)[source]#

Bases: ArrayNode

This represents the global span array

property target#
property index#
class GlobalSpanArray(target, index=None)[source]#

Bases: SpanArray

This represents the global span array

class LocalSpanArray(target, index=None)[source]#

Bases: SpanArray

This represents the local span array

class GlobalThreadSpanArray(target, index=None)[source]#

Bases: SpanArray

This represents the global span array of each thread

class GlobalThreadStarts(index=None)[source]#

Bases: ArrayNode

This represents the threads starts over the decomposed domain

property index#
class GlobalThreadEnds(index=None)[source]#

Bases: ArrayNode

This represents the threads ends over the decomposed domain

property index#
class GlobalThreadSizes(index=None)[source]#

Bases: ArrayNode

This represents the number of elements owned by a thread

property index#
class LocalThreadStarts(index=None)[source]#

Bases: ArrayNode

This represents the local threads starts over the decomposed domain

property index#
class LocalThreadEnds(index=None)[source]#

Bases: ArrayNode

This represents the local threads ends over the decomposed domain

property index#
class Span(target, index=None)[source]#

Bases: ScalarNode

This represents the span of a basis in an element

property target#
property index#
class Pads(tests, trials=None, tests_degree=None, trials_degree=None, tests_multiplicity=None, trials_multiplicity=None, test_index=None, trial_index=None, dim_index=None)[source]#

Bases: ScalarNode

This represents the global pads

property tests#
property trials#
property tests_degree#
property trials_degree#
property tests_multiplicity#
property trials_multiplicity#
property test_index#
property trial_index#
property dim_index#
class Evaluation(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: BaseNode

class FieldEvaluation(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: Evaluation

class MappingEvaluation(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: Evaluation

class ComputeNode(expr)[source]#

Bases: Basic

property expr#
class ComputePhysical(expr)[source]#

Bases: ComputeNode

class ComputePhysicalBasis(expr)[source]#

Bases: ComputePhysical

class ComputeKernelExpr(expr, weights=True)[source]#

Bases: ComputeNode

property expr#
property weights#
class ComputeLogical(expr, weights=True, lhs=None)[source]#

Bases: ComputeNode

property expr#
property weights#
property lhs#
class ComputeLogicalBasis(expr, lhs=None)[source]#

Bases: ComputeLogical

property expr#
property lhs#
class Reduction(op, expr, lhs=None)[source]#

Bases: Basic

property op#
property expr#
property lhs#
class Reduce(op, rhs, lhs, loop)[source]#

Bases: Basic

property op#
property rhs#
property lhs#
property loop#
class Reset(var, expr=None)[source]#

Bases: Basic

property var#
property expr#
class ElementOf(target)[source]#

Bases: Basic

property target#
class ExprNode(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: Basic

class AtomicNode(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: ExprNode, AtomicExpr

property expr#
class ValueNode(expr)[source]#

Bases: ExprNode

property expr#
class PhysicalValueNode(expr)[source]#

Bases: ValueNode

class LogicalValueNode(expr)[source]#

Bases: ValueNode

class PhysicalBasisValue(expr)[source]#

Bases: PhysicalValueNode

class LogicalBasisValue(expr)[source]#

Bases: LogicalValueNode

property expr#
class PhysicalGeometryValue(expr)[source]#

Bases: PhysicalValueNode

class LogicalGeometryValue(expr)[source]#

Bases: LogicalValueNode

class BasisAtom(expr)[source]#

Bases: AtomicNode

Used to describe a temporary for the basis coefficient or in the kernel.

property expr#
property atom#
class GeometryAtom(expr)[source]#

Bases: AtomicNode

property expr#
property atom#
class GeometryExpr(expr, dtype='real')[source]#

Bases: Basic

property atom#
property expr#
class IfNode(*args)[source]#

Bases: BaseNode

property args#
class WhileLoop(condition, body)[source]#

Bases: BaseNode

property condition#
property body#
class Loop(iterable, index, *, stmts=None, mask=None, parallel=None, default=None, shared=None, private=None, firstprivate=None, lastprivate=None, reduction=None)[source]#

Bases: BaseNode

class to describe a dimensionless loop of an iterator over a generator.


list of iterator object


represent the dimensionless index used in the for loop


list of body statements


the masked dimension where we fix the index in that dimension


specifies whether the loop should be executed in parallel or in serial

default: <str|None>

specifies the default behavior of the variables in a parallel region


specifies the shared variables in the parallel region

private: <list|tuple|None>

specifies the private variables in the parallel region

firstprivate: <list|tuple|None>

specifies the first private variables in the parallel region

lastprivate: <list|tuple|None>

specifies the last private variables in the parallel region

property iterable#
property index#
property stmts#
property mask#
property iterator#
property generator#
property parallel#
property default#
property shared#
property private#
property firstprivate#
property lastprivate#
property reduction#
class TensorIteration(iterator, generator)[source]#

Bases: BaseNode

property iterator#
property generator#
class ProductIteration(iterator, generator)[source]#

Bases: BaseNode

property iterator#
property generator#
class SplitArray(target, positions, lengths)[source]#

Bases: BaseNode

property target#
property positions#
property lengths#
construct_logical_expressions(u, nderiv, lhs=None)[source]#
class GeometryExpressions(M, nderiv, dtype='real')[source]#

Bases: Basic

property arguments#
property expressions#
class Block(body)[source]#

Bases: Basic

This class represents a Block of statements

property body#
class ParallelBlock(default='private', private=(), shared=(), firstprivate=(), lastprivate=(), body=())[source]#

Bases: Block

property default#
property private#
property shared#
property firstprivate#
property lastprivate#
property body#
construct_itergener(a, index)[source]#

Create the generator and the iterator based on a and the index

class Expression(*args)[source]#

Bases: Expr

The Expression class gives us the possibility to create specific instructions for some dimension, where the generated code is not in a vectorized form. For example, the class Loop generates 2 for loops in 2D and 3 in 3D, the expressions that are generated are the same for 2D and 3D, because they are written in a way that allows them to be applied in any dimension, with the fixed dimension expression we can specify the generated code for a specific dimension, so the generated code in the second dimension of the 2D loop is diffrent from the one in the first dimension of the 2D loop

class AddNode(*args)[source]#

Bases: Expression

class MulNode(*args)[source]#

Bases: Expression

class IntDivNode(*args)[source]#

Bases: Expression

class AndNode(*args)[source]#

Bases: Expression

class NotNode(*args)[source]#

Bases: Expression

class EqNode(*args)[source]#

Bases: Expression

class StrictLessThanNode(*args)[source]#

Bases: Expression