

Inheritance diagram of psydac.api.glt

DiscreteGltExpr(expr, *args, **kwargs)

GltBasicCodeGen(expr, **kwargs)

Basic class for any discrete concept that needs code generation


class GltBasicCodeGen(expr, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: object

Basic class for any discrete concept that needs code generation

property expr#
property tag#
property in_arguments#
property inout_arguments#
property user_functions#
property interface#
property dependencies#
property interface_name#
property interface_code#
property interface_base_import_code#
property dependencies_code#
property dependencies_fname#
property dependencies_modname#
property func#
property backend#
property comm#
property root#
property folder#
class DiscreteGltExpr(expr, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GltBasicCodeGen

property mapping#
property spaces#
evaluate(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Approximates the eigenvalues of the matrix associated to the given bilinear form. the current algorithm is based on a uniform sampling of the glt symbol.