

Inheritance diagram of psydac.fem.grid

FemAssemblyGrid(space, start, end, *, nquads)

Class that collects all 1D information local to process that are necessary for the correct assembly of l.h.s.


class FemAssemblyGrid(space, start, end, *, nquads, nderiv=1)[source]#

Bases: object

Class that collects all 1D information local to process that are necessary for the correct assembly of l.h.s. matrix and r.h.s. vector in a finite element method.

This works in the case of clamped and periodic splines, for a global or distributed domain.

A ‘TensorFemSpace’ object will create one object of this class for each 1D space.


1D finite element space.


Index of first element local to process.


Index of last element local to process.


Number of quadrature points used in the Gauss-Legendre quadrature formula.


Number of basis functions’ derivatives to be precomputed at the Gauss points (default: 1).

property num_elements#

Number of elements over which integration should be performed.

property num_quad_pts#

Number of quadrature points in each element.

property spans#

Span index in each element.

property basis#

Basis function values (and their derivatives) at each quadrature point.

property points#

Location of each quadrature point.

property weights#

Weight assigned to each quadrature point.

property indices#

Global index of each element used in assembly process.

property quad_rule_x#

Coordinates of quadrature points on canonical interval [-1,1].

property quad_rule_w#

Weights assigned to quadrature points on canonical interval [-1,1].

property local_element_start#

Local index of first element owned by process.

property local_element_end#

Local index of last element owned by process.