
Class that collects all 1D information local to process that are necessary for the correct assembly of l.h.s. |
- class FemAssemblyGrid(space, start, end, *, nquads, nderiv=1)[source]#
Class that collects all 1D information local to process that are necessary for the correct assembly of l.h.s. matrix and r.h.s. vector in a finite element method.
This works in the case of clamped and periodic splines, for a global or distributed domain.
A ‘TensorFemSpace’ object will create one object of this class for each 1D space.
- Parameters:
- spaceSplineSpace
1D finite element space.
- startint
Index of first element local to process.
- endint
Index of last element local to process.
- nquadsint
Number of quadrature points used in the Gauss-Legendre quadrature formula.
- nderivint
Number of basis functions’ derivatives to be precomputed at the Gauss points (default: 1).
- property num_elements#
Number of elements over which integration should be performed.
- property num_quad_pts#
Number of quadrature points in each element.
- property spans#
Span index in each element.
- property basis#
Basis function values (and their derivatives) at each quadrature point.
- property points#
Location of each quadrature point.
- property weights#
Weight assigned to each quadrature point.
- property indices#
Global index of each element used in assembly process.
- property quad_rule_x#
Coordinates of quadrature points on canonical interval [-1,1].
- property quad_rule_w#
Weights assigned to quadrature points on canonical interval [-1,1].
- property local_element_start#
Local index of first element owned by process.
- property local_element_end#
Local index of last element owned by process.