
Basis values and spans for a given FEM space over a quadrature grid. |
Quadrature points and weights local to the current MPI process. |
- class QuadratureGrid(V, *, nquads, axis=None, ext=None, trial_space=None)[source]#
Quadrature points and weights local to the current MPI process.
Local quadrature grid for assemblying functionals, linear forms, and bilinear forms. A Gauss-Legendre quadrature grid is assumed.
- Parameters:
- VFemSpace
Finite element space from which we extract the breakpoints.
- axisint, optional
If given, the grid is constructed on the given boundary (axis, ext).
- ext{-1, +1}, optional
If given, the grid is constructed on the given boundary (axis, ext).
- trial_spaceFemSpace, optional
- nquadslist or tuple of int
Number of quadrature points along each direction.
- property n_elements#
- property indices#
- property local_element_start#
Local index of first element owned by process.
- property local_element_end#
Local index of last element owned by process.
- property points#
- property weights#
- property nquads#
- property axis#
- property ext#
- class BasisValues(V, *, nderiv, nquads, trial=False, grid=None)[source]#
Basis values and spans for a given FEM space over a quadrature grid.
- Parameters:
- VFemSpace
The space that contains the basis values and the spans.
- nderivint
The maximum number of derivatives needed for the basis values.
- trialbool, optional
The trial parameter indicates if the FemSpace represents the trial space or the test space.
- gridQuadratureGrid, optional
Needed for the basis values on the boundary to indicate the boundary over an axis.
- nquadslist or tuple of int
Number of quadrature points along each direction.
- Attributes:
- basislist
The basis values.
- spanslist
The spans of the basis functions.
- property basis#
- property spans#
- property space#