

create_collocation_basis(glob_points, space)

get_points_weights(spaces, axis, e, nquads)


Inheritance diagram of psydac.api.grid

BasisValues(V, *, nderiv, nquads[, trial, grid])

Basis values and spans for a given FEM space over a quadrature grid.

CollocationBasisValues(points, V, nderiv)

QuadratureGrid(V, *, nquads[, axis, ext, ...])

Quadrature points and weights local to the current MPI process.


get_points_weights(spaces, axis, e, nquads)[source]#
create_collocation_basis(glob_points, space, nderiv=1)[source]#
class QuadratureGrid(V, *, nquads, axis=None, ext=None, trial_space=None)[source]#

Bases: object

Quadrature points and weights local to the current MPI process.

Local quadrature grid for assemblying functionals, linear forms, and bilinear forms. A Gauss-Legendre quadrature grid is assumed.


Finite element space from which we extract the breakpoints.

axisint, optional

If given, the grid is constructed on the given boundary (axis, ext).

ext{-1, +1}, optional

If given, the grid is constructed on the given boundary (axis, ext).

trial_spaceFemSpace, optional


nquadslist or tuple of int

Number of quadrature points along each direction.

property n_elements#
property indices#
property local_element_start#

Local index of first element owned by process.

property local_element_end#

Local index of last element owned by process.

property points#
property weights#
property nquads#
property axis#
property ext#
class BasisValues(V, *, nderiv, nquads, trial=False, grid=None)[source]#

Bases: object

Basis values and spans for a given FEM space over a quadrature grid.


The space that contains the basis values and the spans.


The maximum number of derivatives needed for the basis values.

trialbool, optional

The trial parameter indicates if the FemSpace represents the trial space or the test space.

gridQuadratureGrid, optional

Needed for the basis values on the boundary to indicate the boundary over an axis.

nquadslist or tuple of int

Number of quadrature points along each direction.


The basis values.


The spans of the basis functions.

property basis#
property spans#
property space#
class CollocationBasisValues(points, V, nderiv)[source]#

Bases: object

property basis#
property spans#