This module provides utilities for constructing the conforming projections for a H1-Hcurl-L2 broken FEEC de Rham sequence.
Calculate the mass-matrix of a 1d spline-space. |
Calculate the mixed mass-matrix of two 1d spline-spaces on the same domain. |
Calculate the "mixed mass-matrix" of a 1d spline-space with polynomials. |
Compute the matrix of the extension operator on the interface. |
Construct the conforming projection for a scalar space for a given regularity (0 continuous, -1 discontinuous). |
Construct the conforming projection for a vector Hcurl space for a given regularity (0 continuous, -1 discontinuous). |
Compute the matrix of the (moment preserving) restriction operator on the interface. |
Calculate the coefficients for the one-dimensional moment correction. |
Given the domain, extract the vertices on their respective domains with local coordinates. |
Calculate the extension and restriction matrices for refining along an interface. |
Return the patch index of subdomain/boundary |
knot insertion for refinement of a 1d spline space. |

This module provides utilities for constructing the conforming projections for a H1-Hcurl-L2 broken FEEC de Rham sequence.
- get_patch_index_from_face(domain, face)[source]#
Return the patch index of subdomain/boundary
- Parameters:
- domain<Sympde.topology.Domain>
The Symbolic domain
- face<Sympde.topology.BasicDomain>
A patch or a boundary of a patch
- Returns:
- i<int>
The index of a subdomain/boundary in the multipatch domain
- knots_to_insert(coarse_grid, fine_grid, tol=1e-14)[source]#
knot insertion for refinement of a 1d spline space.
- get_corners(domain, boundary_only)[source]#
Given the domain, extract the vertices on their respective domains with local coordinates.
- Parameters:
- domain: <Geometry>
The discrete domain of the projector
- boundary_only<bool>
Only return vertices that lie on a boundary
- construct_extension_operator_1D(domain, codomain)[source]#
Compute the matrix of the extension operator on the interface.
- Parameters:
- domain1d spline space on the interface (coarse grid)
- codomain1d spline space on the interface (fine grid)
- construct_restriction_operator_1D(coarse_space_1d, fine_space_1d, E, p_moments=-1)[source]#
Compute the matrix of the (moment preserving) restriction operator on the interface.
- Parameters:
- coarse_space_1d1d spline space on the interface (coarse grid)
- fine_space_1d1d spline space on the interface (fine grid)
- EExtension matrix
- p_momentsAmount of moments to be preserved
- get_extension_restriction(coarse_space_1d, fine_space_1d, p_moments=-1)[source]#
Calculate the extension and restriction matrices for refining along an interface.
- Parameters:
- coarse_space_1dSplineSpace
Spline space of the coarse space.
- fine_space_1dSplineSpace
Spline space of the fine space.
- p_moments{int}
Amount of moments to be preserved.
- Returns:
- E_1Dnumpy array
Extension matrix.
- R_1Dnumpy array
Restriction matrix.
- ER_1Dnumpy array
Extension-restriction matrix.
- calculate_mass_matrix(space_1d)[source]#
Calculate the mass-matrix of a 1d spline-space.
- Parameters:
- space_1dSplineSpace
Spline space of the fine space.
- Returns:
- Mass_matnumpy array
Mass matrix.
- calculate_mixed_mass_matrix(domain_space, codomain_space)[source]#
Calculate the mixed mass-matrix of two 1d spline-spaces on the same domain.
- Parameters:
- domain_spaceSplineSpace
Spline space of the domain space.
- codomain_spaceSplineSpace
Spline space of the codomain space.
- Returns:
- Mass_matnumpy array
Mass matrix.
- calculate_poly_basis_integral(space_1d, p_moments=-1)[source]#
Calculate the “mixed mass-matrix” of a 1d spline-space with polynomials.
- Parameters:
- space_1dSplineSpace
Spline space of the fine space.
- p_momentsInt
Amount of moments to be preserved.
- Returns:
- Mass_matnumpy array
Mass matrix.
- get_1d_moment_correction(space_1d, p_moments=-1)[source]#
Calculate the coefficients for the one-dimensional moment correction.
- Parameters:
- patch_spaceSplineSpace
1d spline space.
- p_momentsint
Number of moments to be preserved.
- Returns:
- gammaarray
Moment correction coefficients without the conformity factor.
- construct_h1_conforming_projection(Vh, reg_orders=0, p_moments=-1, hom_bc=False)[source]#
Construct the conforming projection for a scalar space for a given regularity (0 continuous, -1 discontinuous).
- Parameters:
- VhTensorFemSpace
Finite Element Space coming from the discrete de Rham sequence.
- reg_orders(int)
Regularity in each space direction -1 or 0.
- p_moments(int)
Number of moments to be preserved.
- hom_bc(bool)
Homogeneous boundary conditions.
- Returns:
- cPscipy.sparse.csr_array
Conforming projection as a sparse matrix.
- construct_hcurl_conforming_projection(Vh, reg_orders=0, p_moments=-1, hom_bc=False)[source]#
Construct the conforming projection for a vector Hcurl space for a given regularity (0 continuous, -1 discontinuous).
- Parameters:
- VhTensorFemSpace
Finite Element Space coming from the discrete de Rham sequence.
- reg_orders(int)
Regularity in each space direction -1 or 0.
- p_moments(int)
Number of polynomial moments to be preserved.
- hom_bc(bool)
Tangential homogeneous boundary conditions.
- Returns:
- cPscipy.sparse.csr_array
Conforming projection as a sparse matrix.