

knot_insertion_projection_operator(domain, ...)

Compute the projection operator based on the knot insertion technique.

knots_to_insert(coarse_grid, fine_grid[, tol])

Compute the point difference between the fine grid and coarse grid.


knots_to_insert(coarse_grid, fine_grid, tol=1e-14)[source]#

Compute the point difference between the fine grid and coarse grid.

knot_insertion_projection_operator(domain, codomain)[source]#

Compute the projection operator based on the knot insertion technique.

Return a linear operator which projects an element of the domain to an element of the codomain. Domain and codomain are scalar spline spaces over a cuboid, built as the tensor product of 1D spline spaces. In particular, domain and codomain have the same multi-degree (p1, p2, …).

This function returns a LinearOperator K working at the level of the spline coefficients, which are represented by StencilVector objects.

Thanks to the tensor-product structure of the spline spaces, the projection operator is the Kronecker product of 1D projection operators K[i] operating between 1D spaces. Each 1D operators is represented by a dense matrix:

K = K[0] x K[1] x …

For each dimension i the 1D grids defined by the breakpoints of the two spaces are assumed to be identical, or one nested into the other. Let nd[i] and nc[i] be the number of cells along dimension i for domain and codomain, respectively. We then have three different cases:

  1. nd[i] == nc[i]: The two 1D grids are assumed identical, and K[i] is the identity matrix.

  2. nd[i] < nc[i]: The 1D grid of the domain is assumed nested into the 1D grid of the codomain, hence the 1D spline space of the domain is a subspace of the 1D spline space of the codomain. In this case we build K[i] using the knot insertion algorithm.

  3. nd[i] > nc[i]: The 1D grid of the codomain is assumed nested into the 1D grid of the domain, hence the 1D spline space of the codomain is a subspace of the 1D spline space of the domain. In this case we build K[i] as the transpose of the matrix obtained using the knot insertion algorithm from the codomain to the domain.


Domain of the projection operator.


Codomain of the projection operator.


Matrix representation of the projection operator. This is a LinearOperator acting on the spline coefficients.