
Represents the discrete De Rham sequence for multipatch domains. |
- class DiscreteDerhamMultipatch(*, mapping, domain_h, spaces, sequence=None)[source]#
- Represents the discrete De Rham sequence for multipatch domains.
It only works when the number of patches>1
- Parameters:
- mapping: <Mapping>
The mapping of the multipatch domain, the multipatch mapping contains the mapping of each patch
- domain_h: <Geometry>
The discrete domain
- spaces: <list,tuple>
The discrete spaces that are contained in the De Rham sequence
- sequence: <list,tuple>
The space kind of each space in the De Rham sequence
- property sequence#
- property broken_derivatives_as_operators#
- property broken_derivatives_as_matrices#
- projectors(*, kind='global', nquads=None)[source]#
This method returns the patch-wise commuting projectors on the broken multi-patch space
- Parameters:
- kind: <str>
The projectors kind, can be global or local
- nquads: <list,tuple>
The number of quadrature points.
- Returns:
- P0: <Multipatch_Projector_H1>
Patch wise H1 projector
- P1: <Multipatch_Projector_Hcurl>
Patch wise Hcurl projector
- P2: <Multipatch_Projector_L2>
Patch wise L2 projector
when applied to smooth functions they return conforming fields
default ‘global projectors’ correspond to geometric interpolation/histopolation operators on Greville grids
here ‘global’ is a patch-level notion, as the interpolation-type problems are solved on each patch independently
- conforming_projection(space, hom_bc=False, backend_language='python', load_dir=None)[source]#
return the conforming projectors of the broken multi-patch space
- Parameters:
- space<str>
The space of the projector
- hom_bc: <bool>
Apply homogenous boundary conditions if True
- backend_language: <str>
The backend used to accelerate the code
- load_dir: <str|None>
Filename for storage in sparse matrix format
- Returns:
- Cp: <FemLinearOperator>
The conforming projector
- get_dual_dofs(space, f, backend_language='python', return_format='stencil_array')[source]#
return the dual dofs tilde_sigma_i(f) = < Lambda_i, f >_{L2} i = 1, .. dim(V^k)) of a given function f, as a stencil array or numpy array
- Parameters:
- space<str>
The space of the dual dofs
- f<sympy.Expr>
The function used for evaluation
- backend_language: <str>
The backend used to accelerate the code
- return_format: <str>
The format of the dofs, can be ‘stencil_array’ or ‘numpy_array’
- Returns:
- tilde_f:<Vector|ndarray>
The dual dofs