# coding: utf-8
import os
from sympde.topology import Derham
from sympde.topology import element_of, elements_of
from sympde.topology.space import ScalarFunction
from sympde.calculus import grad, dot, inner, rot, div
from sympde.calculus import laplace, bracket, convect
from sympde.calculus import jump, avg, Dn, minus, plus
from sympde.expr.expr import LinearForm, BilinearForm, integral
from psydac.api.settings import PSYDAC_BACKENDS
from psydac.api.discretization import discretize as discretize_single_patch
from psydac.api.discretization import discretize_space
from psydac.api.discretization import DiscreteDerham
from psydac.feec.multipatch.operators import BrokenGradient_2D
from psydac.feec.multipatch.operators import BrokenScalarCurl_2D
from psydac.feec.multipatch.operators import Multipatch_Projector_H1
from psydac.feec.multipatch.operators import Multipatch_Projector_Hcurl
from psydac.feec.multipatch.operators import Multipatch_Projector_L2
from psydac.feec.multipatch.operators import ConformingProjection_V0
from psydac.feec.multipatch.operators import ConformingProjection_V1
from psydac.feec.multipatch.fem_linear_operators import IdLinearOperator
__all__ = ('DiscreteDerhamMultipatch', 'discretize', 'discretize_derham_multipatch')
class DiscreteDerhamMultipatch(DiscreteDerham):
""" Represents the discrete De Rham sequence for multipatch domains.
It only works when the number of patches>1
mapping: <Mapping>
The mapping of the multipatch domain, the multipatch mapping contains the mapping of each patch
domain_h: <Geometry>
The discrete domain
spaces: <list,tuple>
The discrete spaces that are contained in the De Rham sequence
sequence: <list,tuple>
The space kind of each space in the De Rham sequence
def __init__(self, *, mapping, domain_h, spaces, sequence=None):
dim = len(spaces) - 1
self._dim = dim
self._mapping = mapping
self._spaces = tuple(spaces)
self._domain_h = domain_h
if sequence:
if len(sequence) != dim + 1:
raise ValueError('Expected len(sequence) = {}, got {} instead'.
format(dim + 1, len(sequence)))
if dim == 1:
self._sequence = ('h1', 'l2')
raise NotImplementedError('1D FEEC multipatch non available yet')
elif dim == 2:
if sequence is None:
raise ValueError('Sequence must be specified in 2D case')
elif tuple(sequence) == ('h1', 'hcurl', 'l2'):
self._sequence = tuple(sequence)
self._broken_diff_ops = (
BrokenGradient_2D(self.V0, self.V1),
BrokenScalarCurl_2D(self.V1, self.V2), # None,
elif tuple(sequence) == ('h1', 'hdiv', 'l2'):
self._sequence = tuple(sequence)
raise NotImplementedError('2D sequence with H-div not available yet')
raise ValueError('2D sequence not understood')
elif dim == 3:
self._sequence = ('h1', 'hcurl', 'hdiv', 'l2')
raise NotImplementedError('3D FEEC multipatch non available yet')
raise ValueError('Dimension {} is not available'.format(dim))
def sequence(self):
return self._sequence
# ...
def broken_derivatives_as_operators(self):
return self._broken_diff_ops
# ...
def broken_derivatives_as_matrices(self):
return tuple(b_diff.matrix for b_diff in self._broken_diff_ops)
def projectors(self, *, kind='global', nquads=None):
This method returns the patch-wise commuting projectors on the broken multi-patch space
kind: <str>
The projectors kind, can be global or local
nquads: <list,tuple>
The number of quadrature points.
P0: <Multipatch_Projector_H1>
Patch wise H1 projector
P1: <Multipatch_Projector_Hcurl>
Patch wise Hcurl projector
P2: <Multipatch_Projector_L2>
Patch wise L2 projector
- when applied to smooth functions they return conforming fields
- default 'global projectors' correspond to geometric interpolation/histopolation operators on Greville grids
- here 'global' is a patch-level notion, as the interpolation-type problems are solved on each patch independently
if not (kind == 'global'):
raise NotImplementedError('only global projectors are available')
if self.dim == 1:
raise NotImplementedError("1D projectors are not available")
elif self.dim == 2:
P0 = Multipatch_Projector_H1(self.V0)
if self.sequence[1] == 'hcurl':
P1 = Multipatch_Projector_Hcurl(self.V1, nquads=nquads)
P1 = None # TODO: Multipatch_Projector_Hdiv(self.V1, nquads=nquads)
raise NotImplementedError('2D sequence with H-div not available yet')
P2 = Multipatch_Projector_L2(self.V2, nquads=nquads)
return P0, P1, P2
elif self.dim == 3:
raise NotImplementedError("3D projectors are not available")
def get_dual_dofs(self, space, f, backend_language="python", return_format='stencil_array'):
return the dual dofs tilde_sigma_i(f) = < Lambda_i, f >_{L2} i = 1, .. dim(V^k)) of a given function f, as a stencil array or numpy array
space : <str>
The space of the dual dofs
f : <sympy.Expr>
The function used for evaluation
backend_language: <str>
The backend used to accelerate the code
return_format: <str>
The format of the dofs, can be 'stencil_array' or 'numpy_array'
The dual dofs
if space == 'V0':
Vh = self.V0
elif space == 'V1':
Vh = self.V1
elif space == 'V2':
Vh = self.V2
raise NotImplementedError("The space of kind {} is not available".format(space))
V = Vh.symbolic_space
v = element_of(V, name='v')
if isinstance(v, ScalarFunction):
expr = f*v
expr = dot(f,v)
l = LinearForm(v, integral( V.domain, expr))
lh = discretize(l, self._domain_h, Vh, backend=PSYDAC_BACKENDS[backend_language])
tilde_f = lh.assemble()
if return_format == 'numpy_array':
return tilde_f.toarray()
return tilde_f
def discretize_derham_multipatch(derham, domain_h, *args, **kwargs):
ldim = derham.shape
mapping = derham.spaces[0].domain.mapping
bases = ['B'] + ldim * ['M']
spaces = [discretize_space(V, domain_h, *args, basis=basis, **kwargs) \
for V, basis in zip(derham.spaces, bases)]
return DiscreteDerhamMultipatch(
mapping = mapping,
domain_h = domain_h,
spaces = spaces,
sequence = [V.kind.name for V in derham.spaces]
def discretize(expr, *args, **kwargs):
if isinstance(expr, Derham) and expr.V0.is_broken:
return discretize_derham_multipatch(expr, *args, **kwargs)
return discretize_single_patch(expr, *args, **kwargs)