

compute_dims(nnodes, gridsizes[, ...])

With the aim of distributing a multi-dimensional array on a Cartesian topology, compute the number of processes along each dimension.

compute_dims_general(mpi_size, npts[, ...])

compute_dims_uniform(mpi_size, npts)

partition_procs_per_patch(npts, size)

Compute the number of processes in each patch and assign to it an ascending range of processes.


compute_dims(nnodes, gridsizes, min_blocksizes=None, mpi=None, try_uniform=False, mpi_dims_mask=None)[source]#

With the aim of distributing a multi-dimensional array on a Cartesian topology, compute the number of processes along each dimension.

Whenever possible, the number of processes is chosen so that the array is decomposed into identical blocks.


Number of processes in the Cartesian topology.

gridsizeslist of int

Number of array elements along each dimension.

min_blocksizeslist of int

Minimum acceptable size of a block along each dimension.

try_uniform: bool

try to decompose the array uniformly.

mpi_dims_mask: list of bool

True if the dimension is to be used in the domain decomposition (=default for each dimension). If dim_mask[i]=False, the domain decomposition yields blocksizes[i]=gridsizes[i] along the i-th dimension.

dimslist of int

Number of processes along each dimension of the Cartesian topology.

blocksizeslist of int

Nominal block size along each dimension.

partition_procs_per_patch(npts, size)[source]#

Compute the number of processes in each patch and assign to it an ascending range of processes. The processes are distributed porportionally to the patch grid size.


Number of points along each dimension for each patch.


Number of processes.

sizeslist of int

Number of processes in each patch.

ranges: list of list of int

The assigned ascending range of processes for each patch, the range is represented by a list of ints of size 2 [k1,k2], such that k1<=k2.