

change_dtype(V, dtype)

Given a FemSpace V, change its underlying vector_space (i.e. the space of its coefficients) so that it matches the required data type.

discretize(a, *args, **kwargs)

discretize_derham(derham, domain_h, *[, ...])

Create a discrete De Rham sequence from a symbolic one.

discretize_domain(domain, *[, filename, ...])

discretize_space(V, domain_h, *[, degree, ...])

This function creates the discretized space starting from the symbolic space.


Get the maximum polynomial degree across several finite element spaces, along each logical (parametric) coordinate.


Get the maximum polynomial degree of a finite element space, along each logical (parametric) coordinate.

reduce_space_degrees(V, Vh, *[, basis, sequence])

This function takes a tensor FEM space Vh and reduces some degrees in order to obtain a tensor FEM space Wh that matches the symbolic space V in a certain sequence of spaces.


discretize(a, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
discretize_derham(derham, domain_h, *, get_H1vec_space=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Create a discrete De Rham sequence from a symbolic one.

This function creates the discrete spaces from the symbolic ones, and then creates a DiscreteDerham object from them.


The symbolic Derham sequence.


Discrete domain where the spaces will be discretized.

get_H1vec_spacebool, default=False

True to also get the “Hvec” space discretizing (H1)^n vector fields.


Optional parameters for the space discretization.


The discrete De Rham sequence containing the discrete spaces, differential operators and projectors.

See also

reduce_space_degrees(V, Vh, *, basis='B', sequence='DR')[source]#

This function takes a tensor FEM space Vh and reduces some degrees in order to obtain a tensor FEM space Wh that matches the symbolic space V in a certain sequence of spaces. Where the degree is reduced, Wh employs either a B-spline or an M-spline basis.

For example let [p1, p2, p3] indicate the degrees and [r1, r2, r3] indicate the interior multiplicites in each direction of the space Vh before reduction. The degrees and multiplicities of the reduced spaces are specified as follows:

With the ‘DR’ sequence in 3D, all multiplicies are [r1, r2, r3] and we have

‘H1’ : degree = [p1, p2, p3] ‘Hcurl’: degree = [[p1-1, p2, p3], [p1, p2-1, p3], [p1, p2, p3-1]] ‘Hdiv’ : degree = [[p1, p2-1, p3-1], [p1-1, p2, p3-1], [p1-1, p2-1, p3]] ‘L2’ : degree = [p1-1, p2-1, p3-1]

With the ‘TH’ sequence in 2D we have:

‘H1’ : degree = [[p1, p2], [p1, p2]], multiplicity = [[r1, r2], [r1, r2]] ‘L2’ : degree = [p1-1, p2-1], multiplicity = [r1-1, r2-1]

With the ‘RT’ sequence in 2D we have: ‘H1’ : degree = [[p1, p2-1], [p1-1, p2]], multiplicity = [[r1,r2], [r1,r2]] ‘L2’ : degree = [p1-1, p2-1], multiplicity = [r1, r2]

With the ‘N’ sequence in 2D we have: ‘H1’ : degree = [[p1, p2], [p1, p2]], multiplicity = [[r1,r2+1], [r1+1,r2]] ‘L2’ : degree = [p1-1, p2-1], multiplicity = [r1, r2]

For more details see:

[1] : A. Buffa, J. Rivas, G. Sangalli, and R.G. Vazquez. Isogeometric Discrete Differential Forms in Three Dimensions. SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 49:818-844, 2011. DOI:10.1137/100786708. (Section 4.1)

[2] : A. Buffa, C. de Falco, and G. Sangalli. IsoGeometric Analysis: Stable elements for the 2D Stokes equation. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 65:1407-1422, 2011. DOI:10.1002/fld.2337. (Section 3)

[3] : A. Bressan, and G. Sangalli. Isogeometric discretizations of the Stokes problem: stability analysis by the macroelement technique. IMA J. Numer. Anal., 33(2):629-651, 2013. DOI:10.1093/imanum/drr056.


The symbolic space.


The tensor product FEM space.

basis: str

The basis function of the reduced spaces, it can be either ‘B’ for B-spline basis or ‘M’ for M-spline basis.

sequence: str
The sequence used to reduce the space. The available choices are:

‘DR’: for the de Rham sequence, as described in [1], ‘TH’: for Taylor-Hood elements, as described in [2].

Not implemented yet:

‘N’ : for Nedelec elements, as described in [2], ‘RT’: for Raviart-Thomas elements, as described in [2].

WhTensorFemSpace, VectorFemSpace

The reduced space.

discretize_space(V, domain_h, *, degree=None, multiplicity=None, knots=None, basis='B', sequence='DR')[source]#

This function creates the discretized space starting from the symbolic space.


The symbolic space.


The discretized domain.

degreelist | dict

The degree of the h1 space in each direction.

multiplicity: list | dict

The multiplicity of knots for the h1 space in each direction.

knots: list | dict

The knots sequence of the h1 space in each direction.

basis: str

The type of basis function can be ‘B’ for B-splines or ‘M’ for M-splines.

sequence: str
The sequence used to reduce the space. The available choices are:

‘DR’: for the de Rham sequence, as described in [1], ‘TH’: for Taylor-Hood elements, as described in [2].

Not implemented yet:

‘N’ : for Nedelec elements, as described in [2], ‘RT’: for Raviart-Thomas elements, as described in [2].

For more details see:

[1] : A. Buffa, J. Rivas, G. Sangalli, and R.G. Vazquez. Isogeometric Discrete Differential Forms in Three Dimensions. SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 49:818-844, 2011. DOI:10.1137/100786708. (Section 4.1)

[2] : A. Buffa, C. de Falco, and G. Sangalli. IsoGeometric Analysis: Stable elements for the 2D Stokes equation. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 65:1407-1422, 2011. DOI:10.1002/fld.2337. (Section 3)

[3] : A. Bressan, and G. Sangalli. Isogeometric discretizations of the Stokes problem: stability analysis by the macroelement technique. IMA J. Numer. Anal., 33(2):629-651, 2013. DOI:10.1093/imanum/drr056.


The discrete FEM space.

discretize_domain(domain, *, filename=None, ncells=None, periodic=None, comm=None, mpi_dims_mask=None)[source]#