

Inheritance diagram of psydac.linalg.fft

DistributedDCT(space[, norm, workers, ttype])

Equals an n-dimensional DCT operation, except that it works on a distributed/parallel StencilVector.

DistributedDST(space[, norm, workers, ttype])

Equals an n-dimensional DST operation, except that it works on a distributed/parallel StencilVector.

DistributedFFT(space[, norm, workers])

Equals an n-dimensional FFT operation, except that it works on a distributed/parallel StencilVector.

DistributedFFTBase(space, functions)

A base class for the distributed FFT, DCT and DST.

DistributedIDCT(space[, norm, workers, ttype])

Equals an n-dimensional IDCT operation, except that it works on a distributed/parallel StencilVector.

DistributedIDST(space[, norm, workers, ttype])

Equals an n-dimensional IDST operation, except that it works on a distributed/parallel StencilVector.

DistributedIFFT(space[, norm, workers])

Equals an n-dimensional IFFT operation, except that it works on a distributed/parallel StencilVector.


class DistributedFFTBase(space, functions)[source]#

Bases: LinearOperator

A base class for the distributed FFT, DCT and DST. Internally calls a KroneckerLinearSolver on a solver which just applies the FFT or some other function.


The vector space needed for the KroneckerLinearSolver internally.

functioncallable | list/tuple of callables

A list/tuple of callables function, each with one parameter x which applies some function in-place on x. The function at position i is applied to the i-th tensor direction. If only a single callable is given, it is used for all directions.


Convert to Numpy 2D array.

class OneDimSolver(function)[source]#

Bases: LinearSolver

A one-dimensional solver which just applies a given function.


The given function.

property space#

Return the transpose of the LinearSolver.

solve(rhs, out=None)[source]#
property domain#

The domain of the linear operator - an element of Vectorspace

property codomain#

The codomain of the linear operator - an element of Vectorspace

property dtype#
dot(v, out=None)[source]#

Apply linear operator to Vector v. Result is written to Vector out, if provided.


Transpose the LinearOperator .

If conjugate is True, return the Hermitian transpose.

class DistributedFFT(space, norm=None, workers=None)[source]#

Bases: DistributedFFTBase

Equals an n-dimensional FFT operation, except that it works on a distributed/parallel StencilVector.

Internally calls scipy.fft.fft for each direction.


The space the n-dimensional FFT should be run on. Must have a complex data type (i.e. space.dtype.kind == ‘c’).


Specifies the normalization factor. See the documentation of the corresponding scipy.fft.fft parameter.

workersUnion[int, NoneType]

Specifies the number of worker threads. By default set to the number of OpenMP threads, if given. See also the documentation of the corresponding scipy.fft.fft parameter.

class DistributedIFFT(space, norm=None, workers=None)[source]#

Bases: DistributedFFTBase

Equals an n-dimensional IFFT operation, except that it works on a distributed/parallel StencilVector.

Internally calls scipy.fft.ifft for each direction.


The space the n-dimensional IFFT should be run on. Must have a complex data type (i.e. space.dtype.kind == ‘c’).


Specifies the normalization factor. See the documentation of the corresponding scipy.fft.ifft parameter.

workersUnion[int, NoneType]

Specifies the number of worker threads. By default set to the number of OpenMP threads, if given. See also the documentation of the corresponding scipy.fft.ifft parameter.

class DistributedDCT(space, norm=None, workers=None, ttype=2)[source]#

Bases: DistributedFFTBase

Equals an n-dimensional DCT operation, except that it works on a distributed/parallel StencilVector.

Internally calls scipy.fft.dct for each direction.


The space the n-dimensional DCT should be run on.


Specifies the normalization factor. See the documentation of the corresponding scipy.fft.dct parameter.

workersUnion[int, NoneType]

Specifies the number of worker threads. By default set to the number of OpenMP threads, if given. See also the documentation of the corresponding scipy.fft.dct parameter.


The DCT type to use. (the name of this parameter in the underlying method is actually type).

class DistributedIDCT(space, norm=None, workers=None, ttype=2)[source]#

Bases: DistributedFFTBase

Equals an n-dimensional IDCT operation, except that it works on a distributed/parallel StencilVector.

Internally calls scipy.fft.idct for each direction.


The space the n-dimensional IDCT should be run on.


Specifies the normalization factor. See the documentation of the corresponding scipy.fft.idct parameter.

workersUnion[int, NoneType]

Specifies the number of worker threads. By default set to the number of OpenMP threads, if given. See also the documentation of the corresponding scipy.fft.idct parameter.


The DCT type to use. (the name of this parameter in the underlying method is actually type).

class DistributedDST(space, norm=None, workers=None, ttype=2)[source]#

Bases: DistributedFFTBase

Equals an n-dimensional DST operation, except that it works on a distributed/parallel StencilVector.

Internally calls scipy.fft.dst for each direction.


The space the n-dimensional DST should be run on.


Specifies the normalization factor. See the documentation of the corresponding scipy.fft.dst parameter.

workersUnion[int, NoneType]

Specifies the number of worker threads. By default set to the number of OpenMP threads, if given. See also the documentation of the corresponding scipy.fft.dst parameter.


The DCT type to use. (the name of this parameter in the underlying method is actually type).

class DistributedIDST(space, norm=None, workers=None, ttype=2)[source]#

Bases: DistributedFFTBase

Equals an n-dimensional IDST operation, except that it works on a distributed/parallel StencilVector.

Internally calls scipy.fft.idst for each direction.


The space the n-dimensional IDST should be run on.


Specifies the normalization factor. See the documentation of the corresponding scipy.fft.idst parameter.

workersUnion[int, NoneType]

Specifies the number of worker threads. By default set to the number of OpenMP threads, if given. See also the documentation of the corresponding scipy.fft.idst parameter.


The DCT type to use. (the name of this parameter in the underlying method is actually type).