
Solve the equation Ax = b for x, assuming A is banded matrix. |
Solve the equation Ax = b for x, assuming A is scipy sparse matrix. |
- class BandedSolver(u, l, bmat, transposed=False)[source]#
Solve the equation Ax = b for x, assuming A is banded matrix.
- Parameters:
- uinteger
Number of non-zero upper diagonal.
- linteger
Number of non-zero lower diagonal.
- bmatnd-array
Banded matrix.
- property finfo#
- property sinfo#
- property space#
- solve(rhs, out=None)[source]#
Solves for the given right-hand side.
- Parameters:
- rhsndarray
The right-hand sides to solve for. The vectors are assumed to be given in C-contiguous order, i.e. if multiple right-hand sides are given, then rhs is a two-dimensional array with the 0-th index denoting the number of the right-hand side, and the 1-st index denoting the element inside a right-hand side.
- outndarray | NoneType
Output vector. If given, it has to have the same shape and datatype as rhs.
- class SparseSolver(spmat, transposed=False)[source]#
Solve the equation Ax = b for x, assuming A is scipy sparse matrix.
- Parameters:
- spmatscipy.sparse.spmatrix
Generic sparse matrix.
- property space#
- solve(rhs, out=None)[source]#
Solves for the given right-hand side.
- Parameters:
- rhsndarray
The right-hand sides to solve for. The vectors are assumed to be given in C-contiguous order, i.e. if multiple right-hand sides are given, then rhs is a two-dimensional array with the 0-th index denoting the number of the right-hand side, and the 1-st index denoting the element inside a right-hand side.
- outndarray | NoneType
Output vector. If given, it has to have the same shape and datatype as rhs.