Allocate the interface matrix for a vertex shared by two patches |
Compute the change of basis matrices K0 and K0^{-1} in V0h. |
Compute the change of basis matrices K1 and K1^{-1} in Hcurl space V1h. |
Return the interface between two corners from two different patches that correspond to a single (physical) vertex. |
Return the patch index of subdomain/boundary |
Return the row and column index of a corner in the StencilInterfaceMatrix |
return orthogonal projection of E on V1h, given M1 the mass matrix |

Conforming projection from global broken V0 space to conforming global V0 space Defined by averaging of interface dofs |
Conforming projection from global broken V1 space to conforming V1 global space |
Change of basis operator: dual basis -> primal basis |
to apply the H1 projection (2D) on every patch |
to apply the Hcurl projection (2D) on every patch |
to apply the L2 projection (2D) on every patch |
- get_patch_index_from_face(domain, face)[source]#
Return the patch index of subdomain/boundary
- Parameters:
- domain<Sympde.topology.Domain>
The Symbolic domain
- face<Sympde.topology.BasicDomain>
A patch or a boundary of a patch
- Returns:
- i<int>
The index of a subdomain/boundary in the multipatch domain
- get_interface_from_corners(corner1, corner2, domain)[source]#
Return the interface between two corners from two different patches that correspond to a single (physical) vertex.
- Parameters:
- corner1<Sympde.topology.Corner>
The first corner of the 2D interface
- corner2<Sympde.topology.Corner>
The second corner of the 2D interface
- domain<Sympde.topology.Domain>
The Symbolic domain
- Returns:
- interface: <Sympde.topology.Interface|None>
The interface between two vertices
- get_row_col_index(corner1, corner2, interface, axis, V1, V2)[source]#
- Return the row and column index of a corner in the StencilInterfaceMatrix
for dofs of H1 type spaces
- Parameters:
- corner1<Sympde.topology.Corner>
The first corner of the 2D interface
- corner2<Sympde.topology.Corner>
The second corner of the 2D interface
- interface<Sympde.topology.Interface|None>
The interface between the two corners
- axis<int|None>
Axis of the interface
- V1<FemSpace>
Test Space
- V2<FemSpace>
Trial Space
- Returns:
- index: <list>
The StencilInterfaceMatrix index of the corner, it has the form (i1, i2, k1, k2) in 2D, where (i1, i2) identifies the row and (k1, k2) the diagonal.
- allocate_interface_matrix(corners, test_space, trial_space)[source]#
Allocate the interface matrix for a vertex shared by two patches
- Parameters:
- corners: <list>
The patch corners corresponding to the common shared vertex
- test_space: <FemSpace>
The test space
- trial_space: <FemSpace>
The trial space
- Returns:
- mat: <StencilInterfaceMatrix>
The interface matrix shared by two patches
- class ConformingProjection_V0(V0h, domain_h, hom_bc=False, backend_language='python', storage_fn=None)[source]#
Conforming projection from global broken V0 space to conforming global V0 space Defined by averaging of interface dofs
- Parameters:
- V0h: <FemSpace>
The discrete space
- domain_h: <Geometry>
The discrete domain of the projector
- hom_bc<bool>
Apply homogenous boundary conditions if True
- backend_language: <str>
The backend used to accelerate the code
- storage_fn:
filename to store/load the operator sparse matrix
- class ConformingProjection_V1(V1h, domain_h, hom_bc=False, backend_language='python', storage_fn=None)[source]#
Conforming projection from global broken V1 space to conforming V1 global space
proj.dot(v) returns the conforming projection of v, computed by solving linear system
- Parameters:
- V1h: <FemSpace>
The discrete space
- domain_h: <Geometry>
The discrete domain of the projector
- hom_bc<bool>
Apply homogenous boundary conditions if True
- backend_language: <str>
The backend used to accelerate the code
- storage_fn:
filename to store/load the operator sparse matrix
- get_K0_and_K0_inv(V0h, uniform_patches=False)[source]#
Compute the change of basis matrices K0 and K0^{-1} in V0h.
With K0_ij = sigma^0_i(B_j) = B_jx(n_ix) * B_jy(n_iy) where sigma_i is the geometric (interpolation) dof and B_j is the tensor-product B-spline
- get_K1_and_K1_inv(V1h, uniform_patches=False)[source]#
Compute the change of basis matrices K1 and K1^{-1} in Hcurl space V1h.
With K1_ij = sigma^1_i(B_j) = int_{e_ix}(M_jx) * B_jy(n_iy) if i = horizontal edge [e_ix, n_iy] and j = (M_jx o B_jy) x-oriented MoB spline or = B_jx(n_ix) * int_{e_iy}(M_jy) if i = vertical edge [n_ix, e_iy] and j = (B_jx o M_jy) y-oriented BoM spline (above, ‘o’ denotes tensor-product for functions)
- class HodgeOperator(Vh, domain_h, metric='identity', backend_language='python', load_dir=None, load_space_index='')[source]#
Change of basis operator: dual basis -> primal basis
self._matrix: matrix of the primal Hodge = this is the mass matrix ! self.dual_Hodge_matrix: this is the INVERSE mass matrix
- Parameters:
- Vh: <FemSpace>
The discrete space
- domain_h: <Geometry>
The discrete domain of the projector
- metric<str>
the metric of the de Rham complex
- backend_language: <str>
The backend used to accelerate the code
- load_dir: <str>
storage files for the primal and dual Hodge sparse matrice
- load_space_index: <str>
the space index in the derham sequence
Either we use a storage, or these matrices are only computed on demand # todo: we compute the sparse matrix when to_sparse_matrix is called – but never the stencil matrix (should be fixed…) We only support the identity metric, this implies that the dual Hodge is the inverse of the primal one. # todo: allow for non-identity metrics
- to_sparse_matrix()[source]#
the Hodge matrix is the patch-wise multi-patch mass matrix it is not stored by default but assembled on demand
- class BrokenGradient_2D(V0h, V1h)[source]#
- class BrokenTransposedGradient_2D(V0h, V1h)[source]#
- class BrokenScalarCurl_2D(V1h, V2h)[source]#
- class BrokenTransposedScalarCurl_2D(V1h, V2h)[source]#
- ortho_proj_Hcurl(EE, V1h, domain_h, M1, backend_language='python')[source]#
return orthogonal projection of E on V1h, given M1 the mass matrix
- class Multipatch_Projector_H1(V0h)[source]#
to apply the H1 projection (2D) on every patch