Source code for psydac.feec.multipatch.operators

# coding: utf-8

# Conga operators on piecewise (broken) de Rham sequences

from sympy import Tuple
from mpi4py import MPI
import os
import numpy as np

from scipy.sparse import save_npz, load_npz
from scipy.sparse import kron, block_diag
from scipy.sparse.linalg import inv

from sympde.topology import Boundary, Interface, Union
from sympde.topology import element_of, elements_of
from import ScalarFunction
from sympde.calculus import grad, dot, inner, rot, div
from sympde.calculus import laplace, bracket, convect
from sympde.calculus import jump, avg, Dn, minus, plus
from sympde.expr.expr import LinearForm, BilinearForm
from sympde.expr.expr import integral

from psydac.core.bsplines import collocation_matrix, histopolation_matrix

from psydac.api.discretization import discretize
from psydac.api.essential_bc import apply_essential_bc_stencil
from psydac.api.settings import PSYDAC_BACKENDS
from psydac.linalg.block import BlockVectorSpace, BlockVector, BlockLinearOperator
from psydac.linalg.stencil import StencilVector, StencilMatrix, StencilInterfaceMatrix
from psydac.linalg.solvers import inverse
from psydac.fem.basic import FemField

from psydac.feec.global_projectors import Projector_H1, Projector_Hcurl, Projector_L2
from psydac.feec.derivatives import Gradient_2D, ScalarCurl_2D
from psydac.feec.multipatch.fem_linear_operators import FemLinearOperator

[docs] def get_patch_index_from_face(domain, face): """ Return the patch index of subdomain/boundary Parameters ---------- domain : <Sympde.topology.Domain> The Symbolic domain face : <Sympde.topology.BasicDomain> A patch or a boundary of a patch Returns ------- i : <int> The index of a subdomain/boundary in the multipatch domain """ if domain.mapping: domain = domain.logical_domain if face.mapping: face = face.logical_domain domains = domain.interior.args if isinstance(face, Interface): raise NotImplementedError( "This face is an interface, it has several indices -- I am a machine, I cannot choose. Help.") elif isinstance(face, Boundary): i = domains.index(face.domain) else: i = domains.index(face) return i
[docs] def get_interface_from_corners(corner1, corner2, domain): """ Return the interface between two corners from two different patches that correspond to a single (physical) vertex. Parameters ---------- corner1 : <Sympde.topology.Corner> The first corner of the 2D interface corner2 : <Sympde.topology.Corner> The second corner of the 2D interface domain : <Sympde.topology.Domain> The Symbolic domain Returns ------- interface: <Sympde.topology.Interface|None> The interface between two vertices """ interface = [] interfaces = domain.interfaces if not isinstance(interfaces, Union): interfaces = (interfaces,) for i in interfaces: if in [corner1.domain, corner2.domain]: if i.minus.domain in [corner1.domain, corner2.domain]: interface.append(i) bd1 = corner1.boundaries bd2 = corner2.boundaries new_interface = [] for i in interface: if i.minus in bd1 + bd2: if in bd2 + bd1: new_interface.append(i) if len(new_interface) == 1: return new_interface[0] if len(new_interface) > 1: raise ValueError( 'found more than one interface for the corners {} and {}'.format( corner1, corner2)) return None
[docs] def get_row_col_index(corner1, corner2, interface, axis, V1, V2): """ Return the row and column index of a corner in the StencilInterfaceMatrix for dofs of H1 type spaces Parameters ---------- corner1 : <Sympde.topology.Corner> The first corner of the 2D interface corner2 : <Sympde.topology.Corner> The second corner of the 2D interface interface : <Sympde.topology.Interface|None> The interface between the two corners axis : <int|None> Axis of the interface V1 : <FemSpace> Test Space V2 : <FemSpace> Trial Space Returns ------- index: <list> The StencilInterfaceMatrix index of the corner, it has the form (i1, i2, k1, k2) in 2D, where (i1, i2) identifies the row and (k1, k2) the diagonal. """ start = V1.vector_space.starts end = V1.vector_space.ends degree = start_end = (start, end) row = [None] * len(start) col = [0] * len(start) assert corner1.boundaries[0].axis == corner2.boundaries[0].axis for bd in corner1.boundaries: row[bd.axis] = start_end[(bd.ext + 1) // 2][bd.axis] if interface is None and corner1.domain != corner2.domain: bd = [i for i in corner1.boundaries if i.axis == axis][0] if bd.ext == 1: row[bd.axis] = degree[bd.axis] if interface is None: return row + col axis = interface.axis if interface.minus.domain == corner1.domain: if interface.minus.ext == -1: row[axis] = 0 else: row[axis] = degree[axis] else: if == -1: row[axis] = 0 else: row[axis] = degree[axis] if interface.minus.ext == pass elif interface.minus.domain == corner1.domain: if interface.minus.ext == -1: col[axis] = degree[axis] else: col[axis] = -degree[axis] else: if == -1: col[axis] = degree[axis] else: col[axis] = -degree[axis] return row + col
# ===============================================================================
[docs] def allocate_interface_matrix(corners, test_space, trial_space): """ Allocate the interface matrix for a vertex shared by two patches Parameters ---------- corners: <list> The patch corners corresponding to the common shared vertex test_space: <FemSpace> The test space trial_space: <FemSpace> The trial space Returns ------- mat: <StencilInterfaceMatrix> The interface matrix shared by two patches """ bi, bj = list(zip(*corners)) permutation = np.arange(bi[0].domain.dim) flips = [] k = 0 while k < len(bi): c1 = np.array(bi[k].coordinates) c2 = np.array(bj[k].coordinates)[permutation] flips.append( np.array([-1 if d1 != d2 else 1 for d1, d2 in zip(c1, c2)])) if np.sum(abs(flips[0] - flips[-1])) != 0: prod = [f1 * f2 for f1, f2 in zip(flips[0], flips[-1])] while -1 in prod: i1 = prod.index(-1) if -1 in prod[i1 + 1:]: i2 = i1 + 1 + prod[i1 + 1:].index(-1) prod = prod[i2 + 1:] permutation[i1], permutation[i2] = permutation[i2], permutation[i1] k = -1 flips = [] else: break k += 1 assert all(abs(flips[0] - i).sum() == 0 for i in flips) cs = list(zip(*[i.coordinates for i in bi])) axis = [all(i[0] == j for j in i) for i in cs].index(True) ext = 1 if cs[axis][0] == 1 else -1 s = test_space.get_assembly_grids( )[axis].spans[-1 if ext == 1 else 0] -[axis] mat = StencilInterfaceMatrix( trial_space.vector_space, test_space.vector_space, s, s, axis, flip=flips[0], permutation=list(permutation)) return mat
# =============================================================================== # The following operators are not compatible with the changes in the Stencil format # and their datatype does not allow for non-matching interfaces, but they might be # useful for future implementations # ===============================================================================
[docs] class ConformingProjection_V0(FemLinearOperator): """ Conforming projection from global broken V0 space to conforming global V0 space Defined by averaging of interface dofs Parameters ---------- V0h: <FemSpace> The discrete space domain_h: <Geometry> The discrete domain of the projector hom_bc : <bool> Apply homogenous boundary conditions if True backend_language: <str> The backend used to accelerate the code storage_fn: filename to store/load the operator sparse matrix """ # todo (MCP, 16.03.2021): # - avoid discretizing a bilinear form # - allow case without interfaces (single or multipatch) def __init__( self, V0h, domain_h, hom_bc=False, backend_language='python', storage_fn=None): FemLinearOperator.__init__(self, fem_domain=V0h) V0 = V0h.symbolic_space domain = V0.domain self.symbolic_domain = domain if storage_fn and os.path.exists(storage_fn): print( "[ConformingProjection_V0] loading operator sparse matrix from " + storage_fn) self._sparse_matrix = load_npz(storage_fn) else: # assemble the operator matrix u, v = elements_of(V0, names='u, v') expr = u * v # dot(u,v) Interfaces = domain.interfaces # note: interfaces does not include the boundary # this penalization is for an H1-conforming space expr_I = (plus(u) - minus(u)) * (plus(v) - minus(v)) a = BilinearForm((u, v), integral(domain, expr) + integral(Interfaces, expr_I)) # print('[[ forcing python backend for ConformingProjection_V0]] ') # backend_language = 'python' ah = discretize( a, domain_h, [ V0h, V0h], backend=PSYDAC_BACKENDS[backend_language]) # self._A = ah.assemble() self._A = ah.forms[0]._matrix spaces = self._A.domain.spaces if isinstance(Interfaces, Interface): Interfaces = (Interfaces, ) for b1 in self._A.blocks: for A in b1: if A is None: continue A[:, :, :, :] = 0 indices = [slice(None, None)] * domain.dim + [0] * domain.dim for i in range(len(self._A.blocks)): self._A[i, i][tuple(indices)] = 1 for I in Interfaces: axis = I.axis i_minus = get_patch_index_from_face(domain, I.minus) i_plus = get_patch_index_from_face(domain, sp_minus = spaces[i_minus] sp_plus = spaces[i_plus] s_minus = sp_minus.starts[axis] e_minus = sp_minus.ends[axis] s_plus = sp_plus.starts[axis] e_plus = sp_plus.ends[axis] d_minus = V0h.spaces[i_minus].degree[axis] d_plus = V0h.spaces[i_plus].degree[axis] indices = [slice(None, None)] * domain.dim + [0] * domain.dim minus_ext = I.minus.ext plus_ext = if minus_ext == 1: indices[axis] = e_minus else: indices[axis] = s_minus self._A[i_minus, i_minus][tuple(indices)] = 1 / 2 if plus_ext == 1: indices[axis] = e_plus else: indices[axis] = s_plus self._A[i_plus, i_plus][tuple(indices)] = 1 / 2 if plus_ext == minus_ext: if minus_ext == 1: indices[axis] = d_minus else: indices[axis] = s_minus self._A[i_minus, i_plus][tuple(indices)] = 1 / 2 if plus_ext == 1: indices[axis] = d_plus else: indices[axis] = s_plus self._A[i_plus, i_minus][tuple(indices)] = 1 / 2 else: if minus_ext == 1: indices[axis] = d_minus else: indices[axis] = s_minus if plus_ext == 1: indices[domain.dim + axis] = d_plus else: indices[domain.dim + axis] = -d_plus self._A[i_minus, i_plus][tuple(indices)] = 1 / 2 if plus_ext == 1: indices[axis] = d_plus else: indices[axis] = s_plus if minus_ext == 1: indices[domain.dim + axis] = d_minus else: indices[domain.dim + axis] = -d_minus self._A[i_plus, i_minus][tuple(indices)] = 1 / 2 domain = domain.logical_domain corner_blocks = {} for c in domain.corners: for b1 in c.corners: i = get_patch_index_from_face(domain, b1.domain) for b2 in c.corners: j = get_patch_index_from_face(domain, b2.domain) if (i, j) in corner_blocks: corner_blocks[i, j] += [(b1, b2)] else: corner_blocks[i, j] = [(b1, b2)] for c in domain.corners: if len(c) == 2: continue for b1 in c.corners: i = get_patch_index_from_face(domain, b1.domain) for b2 in c.corners: j = get_patch_index_from_face(domain, b2.domain) interface = get_interface_from_corners(b1, b2, domain) axis = None if self._A[i, j] is None: self._A[i, j] = allocate_interface_matrix( corner_blocks[i, j], V0h.spaces[i], V0h.spaces[j]) if i != j and self._A[i, j]: axis = self._A[i, j]._dim index = get_row_col_index( b1, b2, interface, axis, V0h.spaces[i], V0h.spaces[j]) self._A[i, j][tuple(index)] = 1 / len(c) if hom_bc: for bn in domain.boundary: self.set_homogenous_bc(bn) self._matrix = self._A self._sparse_matrix = self._matrix.tosparse() # self._sparse_matrix if storage_fn: print( "[ConformingProjection_V0] storing operator sparse matrix in " + storage_fn) save_npz(storage_fn, self._sparse_matrix)
[docs] def set_homogenous_bc(self, boundary, rhs=None): domain = self.symbolic_domain Vh = self.fem_domain if domain.mapping: domain = domain.logical_domain if boundary.mapping: boundary = boundary.logical_domain corners = domain.corners i = get_patch_index_from_face(domain, boundary) if rhs: apply_essential_bc_stencil( rhs[i], axis=boundary.axis, ext=boundary.ext, order=0) for j in range(len(domain)): if self._A[i, j] is None: continue apply_essential_bc_stencil( self._A[i, j], axis=boundary.axis, ext=boundary.ext, order=0) for c in corners: faces = [f for b in c.corners for f in b.boundaries] if len(c) == 2: continue if boundary in faces: for b1 in c.corners: i = get_patch_index_from_face(domain, b1.domain) for b2 in c.corners: j = get_patch_index_from_face(domain, b2.domain) interface = get_interface_from_corners(b1, b2, domain) axis = None if i != j: axis = self._A[i, j].dim index = get_row_col_index( b1, b2, interface, axis, Vh.spaces[i], Vh.spaces[j]) self._A[i, j][tuple(index)] = 0. if i == j and rhs: rhs[i][tuple(index[:2])] = 0.
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[docs] class ConformingProjection_V1(FemLinearOperator): """ Conforming projection from global broken V1 space to conforming V1 global space returns the conforming projection of v, computed by solving linear system Parameters ---------- V1h: <FemSpace> The discrete space domain_h: <Geometry> The discrete domain of the projector hom_bc : <bool> Apply homogenous boundary conditions if True backend_language: <str> The backend used to accelerate the code storage_fn: filename to store/load the operator sparse matrix """ # todo (MCP, 16.03.2021): # - avoid discretizing a bilinear form # - allow case without interfaces (single or multipatch) def __init__( self, V1h, domain_h, hom_bc=False, backend_language='python', storage_fn=None): FemLinearOperator.__init__(self, fem_domain=V1h) V1 = V1h.symbolic_space domain = V1.domain self.symbolic_domain = domain if storage_fn and os.path.exists(storage_fn): print( "[ConformingProjection_V1] loading operator sparse matrix from " + storage_fn) self._sparse_matrix = load_npz(storage_fn) else: # assemble the operator matrix u, v = elements_of(V1, names='u, v') expr = dot(u, v) # Interfaces = domain.interfaces # note: interfaces does not include the boundary # this penalization is for an H1-conforming space expr_I = dot(plus(u) - minus(u), plus(v) - minus(v)) a = BilinearForm((u, v), integral(domain, expr) + integral(Interfaces, expr_I)) # print('[[ forcing python backend for ConformingProjection_V1]] ') # backend_language = 'python' ah = discretize( a, domain_h, [ V1h, V1h], backend=PSYDAC_BACKENDS[backend_language]) # # # self._A = ah.assemble() self._A = ah.forms[0]._matrix # C1 = V1h.vector_space # self._A = BlockLinearOperator(C1, C1) for b1 in self._A.blocks: for b2 in b1: if b2 is None: continue for b3 in b2.blocks: for A in b3: if A is None: continue A[:, :, :, :] = 0 spaces = self._A.domain.spaces if isinstance(Interfaces, Interface): Interfaces = (Interfaces, ) indices = [slice(None, None)] * domain.dim + [0] * domain.dim for i in range(len(self._A.blocks)): self._A[i, i][0, 0][tuple(indices)] = 1 self._A[i, i][1, 1][tuple(indices)] = 1 # empty list if no interfaces ? if Interfaces is not None: for I in Interfaces: i_minus = get_patch_index_from_face(domain, I.minus) i_plus = get_patch_index_from_face(domain, indices = [slice(None, None)] * \ domain.dim + [0] * domain.dim sp1 = spaces[i_minus] sp2 = spaces[i_plus] s11 = sp1.spaces[0].starts[I.axis] e11 = sp1.spaces[0].ends[I.axis] s12 = sp1.spaces[1].starts[I.axis] e12 = sp1.spaces[1].ends[I.axis] s21 = sp2.spaces[0].starts[I.axis] e21 = sp2.spaces[0].ends[I.axis] s22 = sp2.spaces[1].starts[I.axis] e22 = sp2.spaces[1].ends[I.axis] d11 = V1h.spaces[i_minus].spaces[0].degree[I.axis] d12 = V1h.spaces[i_minus].spaces[1].degree[I.axis] d21 = V1h.spaces[i_plus].spaces[0].degree[I.axis] d22 = V1h.spaces[i_plus].spaces[1].degree[I.axis] s_minus = [s11, s12] e_minus = [e11, e12] s_plus = [s21, s22] e_plus = [e21, e22] d_minus = [d11, d12] d_plus = [d21, d22] minus_ext = I.minus.ext plus_ext = axis = I.axis for k in range(domain.dim): if k == I.axis: continue if minus_ext == 1: indices[axis] = e_minus[k] else: indices[axis] = s_minus[k] self._A[i_minus, i_minus][k, k][tuple(indices)] = 1 / 2 if plus_ext == 1: indices[axis] = e_plus[k] else: indices[axis] = s_plus[k] self._A[i_plus, i_plus][k, k][tuple(indices)] = 1 / 2 if plus_ext == minus_ext: if minus_ext == 1: indices[axis] = d_minus[k] else: indices[axis] = s_minus[k] self._A[i_minus, i_plus][k, k][tuple( indices)] = 1 / 2 * I.direction if plus_ext == 1: indices[axis] = d_plus[k] else: indices[axis] = s_plus[k] self._A[i_plus, i_minus][k, k][tuple( indices)] = 1 / 2 * I.direction else: if minus_ext == 1: indices[axis] = d_minus[k] else: indices[axis] = s_minus[k] if plus_ext == 1: indices[domain.dim + axis] = d_plus[k] else: indices[domain.dim + axis] = -d_plus[k] self._A[i_minus, i_plus][k, k][tuple( indices)] = 1 / 2 * I.direction if plus_ext == 1: indices[axis] = d_plus[k] else: indices[axis] = s_plus[k] if minus_ext == 1: indices[domain.dim + axis] = d_minus[k] else: indices[domain.dim + axis] = -d_minus[k] self._A[i_plus, i_minus][k, k][tuple( indices)] = 1 / 2 * I.direction if hom_bc: for bn in domain.boundary: self.set_homogenous_bc(bn) self._matrix = self._A self._sparse_matrix = self._matrix.tosparse() if storage_fn: print( "[ConformingProjection_V1] storing operator sparse matrix in " + storage_fn) save_npz(storage_fn, self._sparse_matrix)
[docs] def set_homogenous_bc(self, boundary): domain = self.symbolic_domain Vh = self.fem_domain i = get_patch_index_from_face(domain, boundary) axis = boundary.axis ext = boundary.ext for j in range(len(domain)): if self._A[i, j] is None: continue apply_essential_bc_stencil( self._A[i, j][1 - axis, 1 - axis], axis=axis, ext=ext, order=0)
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[docs] def get_K0_and_K0_inv(V0h, uniform_patches=False): """ Compute the change of basis matrices K0 and K0^{-1} in V0h. With K0_ij = sigma^0_i(B_j) = B_jx(n_ix) * B_jy(n_iy) where sigma_i is the geometric (interpolation) dof and B_j is the tensor-product B-spline """ if uniform_patches: print(' [[WARNING -- hack in get_K0_and_K0_inv: using copies of 1st-patch matrices in every patch ]] ') V0 = V0h.symbolic_space # VOh is ProductFemSpace domain = V0.domain K0_blocks = [] K0_inv_blocks = [] for k, D in enumerate(domain.interior): if uniform_patches and k > 0: K0_k = K0_blocks[0].copy() K0_inv_k = K0_inv_blocks[0].copy() else: V0_k = V0h.spaces[k] # fem space on patch k: (TensorFemSpace) K0_k_factors = [None, None] for d in [0, 1]: # 1d fem space alond dim d (SplineSpace) V0_kd = V0_k.spaces[d] K0_k_factors[d] = collocation_matrix( knots=V0_kd.knots,, periodic=V0_kd.periodic, normalization=V0_kd.basis, xgrid=V0_kd.greville ) K0_k = kron(*K0_k_factors) K0_k.eliminate_zeros() K0_inv_k = inv(K0_k.tocsc()) K0_inv_k.eliminate_zeros() K0_blocks.append(K0_k) K0_inv_blocks.append(K0_inv_k) K0 = block_diag(K0_blocks) K0_inv = block_diag(K0_inv_blocks) return K0, K0_inv
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[docs] def get_K1_and_K1_inv(V1h, uniform_patches=False): """ Compute the change of basis matrices K1 and K1^{-1} in Hcurl space V1h. With K1_ij = sigma^1_i(B_j) = int_{e_ix}(M_jx) * B_jy(n_iy) if i = horizontal edge [e_ix, n_iy] and j = (M_jx o B_jy) x-oriented MoB spline or = B_jx(n_ix) * int_{e_iy}(M_jy) if i = vertical edge [n_ix, e_iy] and j = (B_jx o M_jy) y-oriented BoM spline (above, 'o' denotes tensor-product for functions) """ if uniform_patches: print(' [[WARNING -- hack in get_K1_and_K1_inv: using copies of 1st-patch matrices in every patch ]] ') V1 = V1h.symbolic_space # V1h is ProductFemSpace domain = V1.domain K1_blocks = [] K1_inv_blocks = [] for k, D in enumerate(domain.interior): if uniform_patches and k > 0: K1_k = K1_blocks[0].copy() K1_inv_k = K1_inv_blocks[0].copy() else: # fem space on patch k: (ProductFemSpace (of TensorFemSpace (s)) V1_k = V1h.spaces[k] K1_k_blocks = [] for c in [0, 1]: # dim of component # fem space for comp. dc (TensorFemSpace) V1_kc = V1_k.spaces[c] K1_kc_factors = [None, None] for d in [0, 1]: # dim of variable # 1d fem space for comp c alond dim d (SplineSpace) V1_kcd = V1_kc.spaces[d] if c == d: K1_kc_factors[d] = histopolation_matrix( knots=V1_kcd.knots,, periodic=V1_kcd.periodic, normalization=V1_kcd.basis, xgrid=V1_kcd.ext_greville ) else: K1_kc_factors[d] = collocation_matrix( knots=V1_kcd.knots,, periodic=V1_kcd.periodic, normalization=V1_kcd.basis, xgrid=V1_kcd.greville ) K1_kc = kron(*K1_kc_factors) K1_kc.eliminate_zeros() K1_k_blocks.append(K1_kc) K1_k = block_diag(K1_k_blocks) K1_k.eliminate_zeros() K1_inv_k = inv(K1_k.tocsc()) K1_inv_k.eliminate_zeros() K1_blocks.append(K1_k) K1_inv_blocks.append(K1_inv_k) K1 = block_diag(K1_blocks) K1_inv = block_diag(K1_inv_blocks) return K1, K1_inv
# #=============================================================================== # def get_M_and_M_inv(Vh, subdomains_h, is_scalar, backend_language='python'): # """ # compute the mass matrix M and M^{-1} in multipatch space Vh # DOES NOT WORK -- SHOULD WE HAVE THE POSSIBILITY OF DOING THAT ? # """ # from pprint import pprint # # V = Vh.symbolic_space # VOh is ProductFemSpace # domain = V.domain # M_blocks = [] # M_inv_blocks = [] # # # print('type(domain_h) = ', type(domain_h)) # # # # print('type(domain_h._patches) = ', type(domain_h._patches)) # # print('len(domain_h._patches) = ', len(domain_h._patches)) # # # # mappings = domain_h.mappings # # print('type(mappings) = ', type(mappings)) # # print('len(mappings) = ', len(mappings)) # # # # mappings_list = list(mappings.values()) # # print('len(mappings_list) = ', len(mappings_list)) # # # # print('type(mappings_list[0]) = ', type(mappings_list[0])) # # for k, Dh_k in enumerate(subdomains_h): # # print('k = ', k) # print('type(Dh_k) = ', type(Dh_k)) # # print('Dh = ', Dh) # D_k = domain.interior[k] # # # exit() # # # for k, D in enumerate(domain.interior): # # V_k = V.spaces[k] # Vh_k = Vh.spaces[k] # # # print(type(domain_h)) # # # # pprint(dir(domain_h)) # # # # # # print(len(domain_h._patches)) # # exit() # # Dh_k = domain_h.spaces[k] # fem space on patch k: (TensorFemSpace) # u, v = elements_of(V_k, names='u, v') # if is_scalar: # expr = u*v # else: # expr = dot(u,v) # a_k = BilinearForm((u,v), integral(D_k, expr)) # a_kh = discretize(a_k, Dh_k, [Vh_k, Vh_k], backend=PSYDAC_BACKENDS[backend_language]) # 'pyccel-gcc']) # # M_k = a_kh.assemble().toarray() # M_k.eliminate_zeros() # M_inv_k = inv(M_k.tocsc()) # M_inv_k.eliminate_zeros() # # M_blocks.append(M_k) # M_inv_blocks.append(M_inv_k) # M = block_diag(M_blocks) # M_inv = block_diag(M_inv_blocks) # return M, M_inv # ===============================================================================
[docs] class HodgeOperator(FemLinearOperator): """ Change of basis operator: dual basis -> primal basis self._matrix: matrix of the primal Hodge = this is the mass matrix ! self.dual_Hodge_matrix: this is the INVERSE mass matrix Parameters ---------- Vh: <FemSpace> The discrete space domain_h: <Geometry> The discrete domain of the projector metric : <str> the metric of the de Rham complex backend_language: <str> The backend used to accelerate the code load_dir: <str> storage files for the primal and dual Hodge sparse matrice load_space_index: <str> the space index in the derham sequence Notes ----- Either we use a storage, or these matrices are only computed on demand # todo: we compute the sparse matrix when to_sparse_matrix is called -- but never the stencil matrix (should be fixed...) We only support the identity metric, this implies that the dual Hodge is the inverse of the primal one. # todo: allow for non-identity metrics """ def __init__( self, Vh, domain_h, metric='identity', backend_language='python', load_dir=None, load_space_index=''): FemLinearOperator.__init__(self, fem_domain=Vh) self._domain_h = domain_h self._backend_language = backend_language self._dual_Hodge_sparse_matrix = None assert metric == 'identity' self._metric = metric if load_dir and isinstance(load_dir, str): if not os.path.exists(load_dir): os.makedirs(load_dir) assert str(load_space_index) in ['0', '1', '2', '3'] primal_Hodge_storage_fn = load_dir + \ '/H{}_m.npz'.format(load_space_index) dual_Hodge_storage_fn = load_dir + \ '/dH{}_m.npz'.format(load_space_index) primal_Hodge_is_stored = os.path.exists(primal_Hodge_storage_fn) dual_Hodge_is_stored = os.path.exists(dual_Hodge_storage_fn) if dual_Hodge_is_stored: assert primal_Hodge_is_stored print( " ... loading dual Hodge sparse matrix from " + dual_Hodge_storage_fn) self._dual_Hodge_sparse_matrix = load_npz( dual_Hodge_storage_fn) print( "[HodgeOperator] loading primal Hodge sparse matrix from " + primal_Hodge_storage_fn) self._sparse_matrix = load_npz(primal_Hodge_storage_fn) else: assert not primal_Hodge_is_stored print( "[HodgeOperator] assembling both sparse matrices for storage...") self.assemble_primal_Hodge_matrix() print( "[HodgeOperator] storing primal Hodge sparse matrix in " + primal_Hodge_storage_fn) save_npz(primal_Hodge_storage_fn, self._sparse_matrix) self.assemble_dual_Hodge_matrix() print( "[HodgeOperator] storing dual Hodge sparse matrix in " + dual_Hodge_storage_fn) save_npz(dual_Hodge_storage_fn, self._dual_Hodge_sparse_matrix) else: # matrices are not stored, we will probably compute them later pass
[docs] def to_sparse_matrix(self): """ the Hodge matrix is the patch-wise multi-patch mass matrix it is not stored by default but assembled on demand """ if (self._sparse_matrix is not None) or (self._matrix is not None): return FemLinearOperator.to_sparse_matrix(self) self.assemble_primal_Hodge_matrix() return self._sparse_matrix
[docs] def assemble_primal_Hodge_matrix(self): """ the Hodge matrix is the patch-wise multi-patch mass matrix it is not stored by default but assembled on demand """ if self._matrix is None: Vh = self.fem_domain assert Vh == self.fem_codomain V = Vh.symbolic_space domain = V.domain # domain_h = V0h.domain: would be nice... u, v = elements_of(V, names='u, v') if isinstance(u, ScalarFunction): expr = u * v else: expr = dot(u, v) a = BilinearForm((u, v), integral(domain, expr)) ah = discretize(a, self._domain_h, [ Vh, Vh], backend=PSYDAC_BACKENDS[self._backend_language]) self._matrix = ah.assemble() # Mass matrix in stencil format self._sparse_matrix = self._matrix.tosparse()
[docs] def get_dual_Hodge_sparse_matrix(self): if self._dual_Hodge_sparse_matrix is None: self.assemble_dual_Hodge_matrix() return self._dual_Hodge_sparse_matrix
[docs] def assemble_dual_Hodge_matrix(self): """ the dual Hodge matrix is the patch-wise inverse of the multi-patch mass matrix it is not stored by default but computed on demand, by local (patch-wise) inversion of the mass matrix """ if self._dual_Hodge_sparse_matrix is None: if not self._matrix: self.assemble_primal_Hodge_matrix() M = self._matrix # mass matrix of the (primal) basis nrows = M.n_block_rows ncols = M.n_block_cols inv_M_blocks = [] for i in range(nrows): Mii = M[i, i].tosparse() inv_Mii = inv(Mii.tocsc()) inv_Mii.eliminate_zeros() inv_M_blocks.append(inv_Mii) inv_M = block_diag(inv_M_blocks) self._dual_Hodge_sparse_matrix = inv_M
# ==============================================================================
[docs] class BrokenGradient_2D(FemLinearOperator): def __init__(self, V0h, V1h): FemLinearOperator.__init__(self, fem_domain=V0h, fem_codomain=V1h) D0s = [Gradient_2D(V0, V1) for V0, V1 in zip(V0h.spaces, V1h.spaces)] self._matrix = BlockLinearOperator(self.domain, self.codomain, blocks={ (i, i): D0i._matrix for i, D0i in enumerate(D0s)})
[docs] def transpose(self, conjugate=False): # todo (MCP): define as the dual differential operator return BrokenTransposedGradient_2D(self.fem_domain, self.fem_codomain)
# ==============================================================================
[docs] class BrokenTransposedGradient_2D(FemLinearOperator): def __init__(self, V0h, V1h): FemLinearOperator.__init__(self, fem_domain=V1h, fem_codomain=V0h) D0s = [Gradient_2D(V0, V1) for V0, V1 in zip(V0h.spaces, V1h.spaces)] self._matrix = BlockLinearOperator(self.domain, self.codomain, blocks={ (i, i): D0i._matrix.T for i, D0i in enumerate(D0s)})
[docs] def transpose(self, conjugate=False): # todo (MCP): discard return BrokenGradient_2D(self.fem_codomain, self.fem_domain)
# ==============================================================================
[docs] class BrokenScalarCurl_2D(FemLinearOperator): def __init__(self, V1h, V2h): FemLinearOperator.__init__(self, fem_domain=V1h, fem_codomain=V2h) D1s = [ScalarCurl_2D(V1, V2) for V1, V2 in zip(V1h.spaces, V2h.spaces)] self._matrix = BlockLinearOperator(self.domain, self.codomain, blocks={ (i, i): D1i._matrix for i, D1i in enumerate(D1s)})
[docs] def transpose(self, conjugate=False): return BrokenTransposedScalarCurl_2D( V1h=self.fem_domain, V2h=self.fem_codomain)
# ==============================================================================
[docs] class BrokenTransposedScalarCurl_2D(FemLinearOperator): def __init__(self, V1h, V2h): FemLinearOperator.__init__(self, fem_domain=V2h, fem_codomain=V1h) D1s = [ScalarCurl_2D(V1, V2) for V1, V2 in zip(V1h.spaces, V2h.spaces)] self._matrix = BlockLinearOperator(self.domain, self.codomain, blocks={ (i, i): D1i._matrix.T for i, D1i in enumerate(D1s)})
[docs] def transpose(self, conjugate=False): return BrokenScalarCurl_2D(V1h=self.fem_codomain, V2h=self.fem_domain)
# ============================================================================== # def multipatch_Moments_Hcurl(f, V1h, domain_h):
[docs] def ortho_proj_Hcurl(EE, V1h, domain_h, M1, backend_language='python'): """ return orthogonal projection of E on V1h, given M1 the mass matrix """ assert isinstance(EE, Tuple) V1 = V1h.symbolic_space v = element_of(V1, name='v') l = LinearForm(v, integral(V1.domain, dot(v, EE))) lh = discretize( l, domain_h, V1h, backend=PSYDAC_BACKENDS[backend_language]) b = lh.assemble() M1_inv = inverse(M1.mat(), 'pcg', pc='jacobi', tol=1e-10) sol_coeffs = M1_inv @ b return FemField(V1h, coeffs=sol_coeffs)
# ==============================================================================
[docs] class Multipatch_Projector_H1: """ to apply the H1 projection (2D) on every patch """ def __init__(self, V0h): self._P0s = [Projector_H1(V) for V in V0h.spaces] self._V0h = V0h # multipatch Fem Space def __call__(self, funs_log): """ project a list of functions given in the logical domain """ u0s = [P(fun) for P, fun, in zip(self._P0s, funs_log)] u0_coeffs = BlockVector(self._V0h.vector_space, blocks=[u0j.coeffs for u0j in u0s]) return FemField(self._V0h, coeffs=u0_coeffs)
# ==============================================================================
[docs] class Multipatch_Projector_Hcurl: """ to apply the Hcurl projection (2D) on every patch """ def __init__(self, V1h, nquads=None): self._P1s = [Projector_Hcurl(V, nquads=nquads) for V in V1h.spaces] self._V1h = V1h # multipatch Fem Space def __call__(self, funs_log): """ project a list of functions given in the logical domain """ E1s = [P(fun) for P, fun, in zip(self._P1s, funs_log)] E1_coeffs = BlockVector(self._V1h.vector_space, blocks=[E1j.coeffs for E1j in E1s]) return FemField(self._V1h, coeffs=E1_coeffs)
# ==============================================================================
[docs] class Multipatch_Projector_L2: """ to apply the L2 projection (2D) on every patch """ def __init__(self, V2h, nquads=None): self._P2s = [Projector_L2(V, nquads=nquads) for V in V2h.spaces] self._V2h = V2h # multipatch Fem Space def __call__(self, funs_log): """ project a list of functions given in the logical domain """ B2s = [P(fun) for P, fun, in zip(self._P2s, funs_log)] B2_coeffs = BlockVector(self._V2h.vector_space, blocks=[B2j.coeffs for B2j in B2s]) return FemField(self._V2h, coeffs=B2_coeffs)