

Inheritance diagram of psydac.ddm.interface_data_exchanger

InterfaceCartDataExchanger(cart, dtype, *[, ...])

This takes care of updating the ghost regions between two sides of an interface for a multi-dimensional array distributed according to the given Cartesian decomposition of a tensor-product grid of coefficients.


class InterfaceCartDataExchanger(cart, dtype, *, coeff_shape=())[source]#

Bases: object

This takes care of updating the ghost regions between two sides of an interface for a multi-dimensional array distributed according to the given Cartesian decomposition of a tensor-product grid of coefficients.


Object that contains all information about the Cartesian decomposition of a tensor-product grid of coefficients.

dtype[type | str | numpy.dtype | mpi4py.MPI.Datatype]

Datatype of single coefficient (if scalar) or of each of its components (if vector).

coeff_shape[tuple(int) | list(int)]

Shape of a single coefficient, if this is multi-dimensional (optional: by default, we assume scalar coefficients).

update_ghost_regions(array_minus=None, array_plus=None)[source]#
start_update_ghost_regions(array_minus=None, array_plus=None)[source]#