Source code for psydac.fem.splines

# coding: utf-8
# Copyright 2018 Ahmed Ratnani, Yaman Güçlü

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, csr_matrix, dia_matrix

from import BasicFunctionSpace

from psydac.linalg.stencil        import StencilVectorSpace
from psydac.linalg.direct_solvers import BandedSolver, SparseSolver
from psydac.fem.basic             import FemSpace, FemField
from psydac.core.bsplines         import (

from psydac.utilities.utils import unroll_edges, refine_array_1d
from psydac.ddm.cart        import DomainDecomposition, CartDecomposition

__all__ = ('SplineSpace',)

[docs] class SplineSpace( FemSpace ): """ a 1D Splines Finite Element space Parameters ---------- degree : int Polynomial degree. knots : array_like Coordinates of knots (clamped or extended by periodicity). grid: array_like Coordinates of the grid. Used to construct the knots sequence, if not given. multiplicity: int Multiplicity of the knots in the knot sequence. parent_multiplicity: int Multiplicity of the parent knot sequence, if the space is reduced space. periodic : bool True if domain is periodic, False otherwise. Default: False dirichlet : tuple, list True if using homogeneous dirichlet boundary conditions, False otherwise. Must be specified for each bound Default: (False, False) basis : str Set to "B" for B-splines (have partition of unity) Set to "M" for M-splines (have unit integrals) """ def __init__(self, degree, knots=None, grid=None, multiplicity=None, parent_multiplicity=None, periodic=False, dirichlet=(False, False), basis='B', pads=None): if basis not in ['B', 'M']: raise ValueError(" only options for basis functions are B or M ") if (knots is not None) and (grid is not None): raise ValueError( 'Cannot provide both grid and knots.' ) if (knots is None) and (grid is None): raise ValueError('Either knots or grid must be provided.') if (knots is not None) and (multiplicity is not None): raise ValueError( 'Cannot provide both knots and multiplicity.' ) if (multiplicity is not None) and multiplicity<1: raise ValueError('multiplicity should be >=1') if (parent_multiplicity is not None) and parent_multiplicity<1: raise ValueError('parent_multiplicity should be >=1') if knots is None: if multiplicity is None:multiplicity = 1 knots = make_knots( grid, degree, periodic, multiplicity ) if grid is None: grid = breakpoints(knots, degree) indices = np.where(np.diff(knots[degree:len(knots)-degree])>1e-15)[0] if len(indices)>0: multiplicity = np.diff(indices).max(initial=1) else: multiplicity = max(1,len(knots[degree+1:-degree-1])) if parent_multiplicity is None: parent_multiplicity = multiplicity assert parent_multiplicity >= multiplicity # TODO: verify that user-provided knots make sense in periodic case # Number of basis function in space (= cardinality) if periodic: nbasis = len(knots) - 2*degree - 2 + multiplicity else: defect = 0 if dirichlet[0]: defect += 1 if dirichlet[1]: defect += 1 nbasis = len(knots) - degree - 1 - defect # Coefficients to convert B-splines to M-splines (if needed) if basis == 'M': scaling_array = 1 / basis_integrals(knots, degree) else: scaling_array = None # Store attributes in object self._degree = degree self._pads = pads or degree self._knots = knots self._periodic = periodic self._multiplicity = multiplicity self._dirichlet = dirichlet self._basis = basis self._nbasis = nbasis self._breaks = grid self._ncells = len(grid) - 1 self._greville = greville(knots, degree, periodic, multiplicity = multiplicity) self._ext_greville = greville(elevate_knots(knots, degree, periodic, multiplicity=multiplicity), degree+1, periodic, multiplicity = multiplicity) self._scaling_array = scaling_array self._parent_multiplicity = parent_multiplicity self._histopolation_grid = unroll_edges(self.domain, self.ext_greville) # Create space of spline coefficients domain_decomposition = DomainDecomposition([self._ncells], [periodic]) cart = CartDecomposition(domain_decomposition, [nbasis], [np.array([0])],[np.array([nbasis-1])], [self._pads], [multiplicity]) self._vector_space = StencilVectorSpace( cart ) # Store flag: object NOT YET prepared for interpolation / histopolation self._interpolation_ready = False self._histopolation_ready = False self._symbolic_space = None # ... # ... @property def histopolation_grid(self): """ Coordinates of the N+1 points x[i] that define the N 1D edges (x[i], x[i+1]) for histopolation, where N is equal to the number of basis functions (i.e. the cardinality of the space). In the non-periodic case x is simply the array of extended Greville points. In the periodic case we "unroll" the 1D edges to ensure that they correspond to positive, well-defined intervals with x[i] < x[i+1]. """ return self._histopolation_grid # ...
[docs] def init_interpolation( self, dtype=float ): """ Compute the 1D collocation matrix and factorize it, in preparation for the calculation of a spline interpolant given the values at the Greville points. """ imat = collocation_matrix( knots = self.knots, degree =, periodic = self.periodic, normalization = self.basis, xgrid = self.greville, multiplicity = self.multiplicity ) if self.periodic: # Convert to CSC format and compute sparse LU decomposition self._interpolator = SparseSolver( csc_matrix( imat ) ) else: # Convert to LAPACK banded format (see DGBTRF function) dmat = dia_matrix( imat ) l = abs( dmat.offsets.min() ) u = dmat.offsets.max() cmat = csr_matrix( dmat ) bmat = np.zeros( (1+u+2*l, cmat.shape[1]), dtype=dtype ) for i,j in zip( *cmat.nonzero() ): bmat[u+l+i-j,j] = cmat[i,j] self._interpolator = BandedSolver( u, l, bmat ) self.imat = imat # Store flag self._interpolation_ready = True
# ...
[docs] def init_histopolation( self, dtype=float): """ Compute the 1D histopolation matrix and factorize it, in preparation for the calculation of a spline interpolant given the integrals within the cells defined by the extended Greville points. """ imat = histopolation_matrix( knots = self.knots, degree =, periodic = self.periodic, normalization = self.basis, xgrid = self.ext_greville, multiplicity = self._multiplicity ) self.hmat= imat if self.periodic: # Convert to CSC format and compute sparse LU decomposition self._histopolator = SparseSolver( csc_matrix( imat ) ) else: # Convert to LAPACK banded format (see DGBTRF function) dmat = dia_matrix( imat ) l = abs( dmat.offsets.min() ) u = dmat.offsets.max() cmat = csr_matrix( dmat ) bmat = np.zeros( (1+u+2*l, cmat.shape[1]), dtype=dtype) for i,j in zip( *cmat.nonzero() ): bmat[u+l+i-j,j] = cmat[i,j] self._histopolator = BandedSolver( u, l, bmat ) # Store flag self._histopolation_ready = True
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Abstract interface: read-only attributes #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def ldim( self ): """ Parametric dimension. """ return 1 @property def periodic( self ): """ True if domain is periodic, False otherwise. """ return self._periodic @property def pads( self ): """ Padding for potential parallel assembly. """ return self._pads @property def mapping( self ): """ Assume identity mapping for now. """ return None @property def vector_space( self ): """Returns the topological associated vector space.""" return self._vector_space @property def is_product(self): return False @property def symbolic_space( self ): return self._symbolic_space @symbolic_space.setter def symbolic_space( self, symbolic_space ): assert isinstance(symbolic_space, BasicFunctionSpace) self._symbolic_space = symbolic_space #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Abstract interface: evaluation methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def eval_field(self, field, *eta , weights=None): assert isinstance( field, FemField ) assert is self assert len(eta) == 1 eta = eta[0] span = find_span( self.knots,, eta) basis_array = basis_funs( self.knots,, eta, span) index = slice(, span + 1) if self.basis == 'M': basis_array *= self._scaling_array[index] coeffs = field.coeffs[index].copy() if weights: coeffs *= weights[index] return,basis_array)
# ...
[docs] def eval_field_gradient( self, field, *eta , weights=None): assert isinstance( field, FemField ) assert is self assert len( eta ) == 1 raise NotImplementedError()
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Other properties #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def is_scalar( self ): """ Only scalar field is implemented for now. """ return True @property def basis( self ): return self._basis @property def interpolation_grid( self ): if self.basis == 'B': return self.greville elif self.basis == 'M': return self.ext_greville else: raise NotImplementedError() @property def nbasis( self ): """ Number of basis functions, i.e. cardinality of spline space. """ return self._nbasis @property def degree( self ): """ Spline degree. """ return self._degree @property def ncells( self ): """ Number of cells in domain. """ return self._ncells @property def dirichlet( self ): """ True if using homogeneous dirichlet boundary conditions, False otherwise. """ return self._dirichlet @property def knots( self ): """ Knot sequence. """ return self._knots @property def multiplicity( self ): return self._multiplicity @property def parent_multiplicity( self ): return self._parent_multiplicity @property def breaks( self ): """ List of breakpoints. """ return self._breaks @property def domain( self ): """ Domain boundaries [a,b]. """ breaks = self.breaks return breaks[0], breaks[-1] @property def greville( self ): """ Coordinates of all Greville points. Used for interpolation. """ return self._greville @property def ext_greville( self ): """ Greville coordinates of 'extended' space with degree p+1. Used for histopolation. """ return self._ext_greville @property def scaling_array(self): """ If self.basis=='M', return array used to rescale B-splines to M-splines If self.basis=='B', return None. The length of the scaling array is (len(knots)-degree-1). """ return self._scaling_array #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Other methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def compute_interpolant( self, values, field ): """ Compute field (i.e. update its spline coefficients) such that it interpolates a certain function $f(x)$ at the Greville points. Parameters ---------- values : array_like (nbasis,) Function values $f(x_i)$ at the 'nbasis' Greville points $x_i$, to be interpolated. field : FemField Input/output argument: spline that has to interpolate the given values. """ assert len( values ) == self.nbasis assert isinstance( field, FemField ) assert is self if not self._interpolation_ready: self.init_interpolation() n = self.nbasis c = field.coeffs c[0:n] = self._interpolator.solve( values ) c.update_ghost_regions()
# ...
[docs] def compute_histopolant( self, values, field ): """ Compute field (i.e. update its spline coefficients) such that its integrals between the extended Greville points match the given values. Parameters ---------- values : array_like (nbasis,) Integral values between the 'nbasis' extended Greville cells $[x_i, x_{i+1}]$, to be matched by the spline. field : FemField Input/output argument: spline that has to match the given integral values. """ assert len( values ) == self.nbasis assert isinstance( field, FemField ) assert is self if not self._histopolation_ready: self.init_histopolation() n = self.nbasis c = field.coeffs c[0:n] = self._histopolator.solve( values ) c.update_ghost_regions()
# ...
[docs] def refine(self, ncells): """ Create a refined 1D spline space with the given number of cells. Parameters ---------- ncells : int Number of cells of refined space. Must be multiple of self.ncells. Returns ------- SplineSpace Refined 1D spline space which contains the original space. """ # Sanity checks if int(ncells) != ncells: msg = f"{ncells} is not an integer" elif ncells < self.ncells: msg = f"{ncells} is smaller than minimum value {self.ncells}" elif ncells % self.ncells != 0: msg = f"{ncells} is not multiple of {self.ncells}" else: msg = None if msg: raise ValueError("Wrong number of cells: " + msg) if ncells == self.ncells: return self refinement_factor = ncells // self.ncells grid = refine_array_1d(self.breaks, refinement_factor) return SplineSpace(, grid=grid, multiplicity=self.multiplicity, parent_multiplicity=self.parent_multiplicity, periodic=self.periodic, dirichlet=self.dirichlet, basis=self.basis, pads=self.pads)
# ... def __str__(self): """Pretty printing""" txt = '\n' txt += '> ldim :: {ldim}\n'.format( ldim=self.ldim ) txt += '> nbasis :: {dim} \n'.format( dim=self.nbasis ) txt += '> degree :: {degree}'.format( ) return txt
[docs] def draw(self): from scipy.interpolate import BSpline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt d = n = self.nbasis + d*self.periodic knots = self.knots fig, ax = plt.subplots() xx = np.linspace(knots[0], knots[-1], 200) for i in range(n): c = [0]*n c[i] = 1 spl = BSpline(knots, c, d) ax.plot(xx, spl(xx), label='N{}'.format(i)) ax.grid(True) ax.legend()