Source code for psydac.utilities.vtk

import os
from pyevtk.vtk import (VtkPUnstructuredGrid,
from pyevtk.hl import _addDataToParallelFile

__all__ = ('writeParallelVTKUnstructuredGrid',)

[docs] def writeParallelVTKUnstructuredGrid( path, coordsdtype, sources, ghostlevel=0, cellData=None, pointData=None ): """ Writes a parallel vtk file from grid-like data: VTKStructuredGrid or VTKRectilinearGrid Parameters ---------- path : str name of the file without extension. coordsdtype : np.dtype dtype of the coordinates. starts : list list of 3-tuple representing where each source file starts in each dimension source : list list of the relative paths of the source files where the actual data is found ghostlevel : int, optional Number of ghost-levels by which the extents in the individual source files overlap. pointData : dict dictionary containing the information about the arrays with node centered data. Keys shoud be the names of the arrays. Values are (dtype, number of components) cellData : dictionary containing the information about the arrays with cell centered data. Keys shoud be the names of the arrays. Values are (dtype, number of components) """ # Get the extension + check that it's consistent across all source files common_ext = sources[0].split(".")[-1] assert all(s.split(".")[-1] == common_ext for s in sources) assert common_ext == 'vtu' ftype = VtkPUnstructuredGrid w = VtkParallelFile(path, ftype) w.openGrid(ghostlevel=ghostlevel) _addDataToParallelFile(w, cellData=cellData, pointData=pointData) w.openElement("PPoints") w.addHeader("points", dtype=coordsdtype, ncomp=3) w.closeElement("PPoints") for source in sources: w.addPiece(source=source) w.closeGrid() return w.getFileName()