Source code for psydac.api.ast.evaluation

from sympy import symbols, Range
from sympy import Tuple

from sympde.topology             import Mapping
from sympde.topology             import ScalarFunction
from sympde.topology             import SymbolicExpr
from       import element_of
from sympde.topology.derivatives import _logical_partial_derivatives

from psydac.pyccel.ast.core      import IndexedVariable
from psydac.pyccel.ast.core      import For
from psydac.pyccel.ast.core      import Assign
from psydac.pyccel.ast.core      import Slice
from psydac.pyccel.ast.core      import FunctionDef

from .basic     import SplBasic
from .utilities import build_pythran_types_header, variables
from .utilities import build_pyccel_type_annotations
from .utilities import rationalize_eval_mapping
from .utilities import compute_atoms_expr_mapping
from .utilities import compute_atoms_expr_field

# TODO move it
def _create_loop(indices, ranges, body):

    dim = len(indices)
    for i in range(dim-1,-1,-1):
        rx = ranges[i]
        x = indices[i]

        start = rx.start
        end   = rx.stop

        rx = Range(start, end)
        body = [For(x, rx, body)]

    return body

# NOTE: this is used in module 'psydac.api.ast.glt'
[docs] class EvalArrayField(SplBasic): def __new__(cls, space, fields, boundary=None, name=None, boundary_basis=None, mapping=None, is_rational_mapping=None,backend=None): if not isinstance(fields, (tuple, list, Tuple)): raise TypeError('> Expecting an iterable') obj = SplBasic.__new__(cls, space, name=name, prefix='eval_field', mapping=mapping, is_rational_mapping=is_rational_mapping) obj._space = space obj._fields = Tuple(*fields) obj._boundary = boundary obj._boundary_basis = boundary_basis obj._backend = backend obj._func = obj._initialize() return obj @property def space(self): return self._space @property def fields(self): return self._fields @property def map_stmts(self): return self._map_stmts @property def boundary_basis(self): return self._boundary_basis @property def backend(self): return self._backend
[docs] def build_arguments(self, data): other = data return self.basic_args + other
def _initialize(self): space = dim = space.ldim mapping = self.mapping field_atoms = self.fields.atoms(ScalarFunction) fields_str = sorted([SymbolicExpr(f).name for f in self.fields]) # ... declarations degrees = variables( 'p1:%s'%(dim+1), 'int') orders = variables( 'k1:%s'%(dim+1), 'int') indices_basis = variables( 'jl1:%s'%(dim+1), 'int') indices_quad = variables( 'g1:%s'%(dim+1), 'int') basis = variables('basis1:%s'%(dim+1), dtype='real', rank=3, cls=IndexedVariable) fields_coeffs = variables(['coeff_{}'.format(f) for f in field_atoms], dtype='real', rank=dim, cls=IndexedVariable) fields_val = variables(['{}_values'.format(f) for f in fields_str], dtype='real', rank=dim, cls=IndexedVariable) spans = variables( 'spans1:%s'%(dim+1), dtype = 'int', rank = 1, cls = IndexedVariable ) i_spans = variables( 'i_span1:%s'%(dim+1), 'int') # ... # ... ranges # we add the degree because of the padding ranges_basis = [Range(i_spans[i], i_spans[i]+degrees[i]+1) for i in range(dim)] ranges_quad = [Range(orders[i]) for i in range(dim)] # ... # ... basic arguments self._basic_args = (orders) # ... # ... body = [] updates = [] # ... # ... Nj = element_of(space, name='Nj') init_basis = {} init_map = {} inits, updates, map_stmts, fields = compute_atoms_expr_field(self.fields, indices_quad, indices_basis, basis, Nj, mapping=mapping) self._fields = fields for init in inits: basis_name = str(init.lhs) init_basis[basis_name] = init for stmt in map_stmts: init_map[str(stmt.lhs)] = stmt init_basis = dict(sorted(init_basis.items())) body += list(init_basis.values()) body += updates self._map_stmts = init_map # ... # put the body in tests for loops body = _create_loop(indices_basis, ranges_basis, body) # put the body in for loops of quadrature points assign_spans = [] for x, i_span, span in zip(indices_quad, i_spans, spans): assign_spans += [Assign(i_span, span[x])] body = assign_spans + body body = _create_loop(indices_quad, ranges_quad, body) # initialization of the matrix init_vals = [f[[Slice(None,None)]*dim] for f in fields_val] init_vals = [Assign(e, 0.0) for e in init_vals] body = init_vals + body func_args = self.build_arguments(degrees + spans + basis + fields_coeffs + fields_val) decorators = {} header = None if self.backend['name'] == 'pyccel': func_args = build_pyccel_type_annotations(func_args) elif self.backend['name'] == 'pythran': header = build_pythran_types_header(, func_args) return FunctionDef(, list(func_args), [], body, decorators=decorators, header=header)
#============================================================================== # NOTE: this is used in module 'psydac.api.ast.glt'
[docs] class EvalArrayMapping(SplBasic): def __new__(cls, space, mapping, name=None, nderiv=1, is_rational_mapping=None, backend=None): if not isinstance(mapping, Mapping): raise TypeError('> Expecting a Mapping object') obj = SplBasic.__new__(cls, mapping, name=name, prefix='eval_mapping', mapping=mapping, is_rational_mapping=is_rational_mapping) obj._space = space obj._backend = backend dim = mapping.ldim # ... lcoords = ['x1', 'x2', 'x3'][:dim] obj._lcoords = symbols(lcoords) # ... # ... ops = _logical_partial_derivatives[:dim] M = mapping components = [M[i] for i in range(0, dim)] d_elements = {} d_elements[0] = list(components) if nderiv > 0: ls = [d(M[i]) for d in ops for i in range(0, dim)] d_elements[1] = ls if nderiv > 1: ls = [d1(d2(M[i])) for e,d1 in enumerate(ops) for d2 in ops[:e+1] for i in range(0, dim)] d_elements[2] = ls if nderiv > 2: raise NotImplementedError('TODO') elements = [i for l in d_elements.values() for i in l] obj._elements = tuple(elements) obj._d_elements = d_elements obj._components = tuple(components) obj._nderiv = nderiv # ... obj._func = obj._initialize() return obj @property def space(self): return self._space @property def nderiv(self): return self._nderiv @property def lcoords(self): return self._lcoords @property def elements(self): return self._elements @property def d_elements(self): return self._d_elements @property def components(self): return self._components @property def mapping_coeffs(self): return self._mapping_coeffs @property def mapping_values(self): return self._mapping_values @property def backend(self): return self._backend @property def weights(self): return self._weights
[docs] def build_arguments(self, data): other = data return self.basic_args + other
def _initialize(self): space = dim = space.ldim mapping_atoms = [SymbolicExpr(f).name for f in self.components] mapping_str = [SymbolicExpr(f).name for f in self.elements ] # ... declarations degrees = variables( 'p1:%s'%(dim+1), 'int') orders = variables( 'k1:%s'%(dim+1), 'int') indices_basis = variables( 'jl1:%s'%(dim+1), 'int') indices_quad = variables( 'g1:%s'%(dim+1), 'int') basis = variables('basis1:%s'%(dim+1), dtype='real', rank=3, cls=IndexedVariable) mapping_coeffs = variables(['coeff_{}'.format(f) for f in mapping_atoms], dtype='real', rank=dim, cls=IndexedVariable) mapping_values = variables(['{}_values'.format(f) for f in mapping_str], dtype='real', rank=dim, cls=IndexedVariable) spans = variables( 'spans1:%s'%(dim+1), dtype = 'int', rank = 1, cls = IndexedVariable ) i_spans = variables( 'i_span1:%s'%(dim+1), 'int') # ... needed for area weights = variables('quad_w1:%s'%(dim+1), dtype='real', rank=1, cls=IndexedVariable) self._weights = weights # ... weights_elements = [] if self.is_rational_mapping: # TODO check if 'w' exist already weights_pts = element_of(, name='w') weights_elements = [weights_pts] # ... nderiv = self.nderiv ops = _logical_partial_derivatives[:dim] if nderiv > 0: weights_elements += [d(weights_pts) for d in ops] if nderiv > 1: weights_elements += [d1(d2(weights_pts)) for e,d1 in enumerate(ops) for d2 in ops[:e+1]] if nderiv > 2: raise NotImplementedError('TODO') # ... mapping_weights_str = [SymbolicExpr(f).name for f in weights_elements] mapping_wvalues = variables(['{}_values'.format(f) for f in mapping_weights_str], dtype='real', rank=dim, cls=IndexedVariable) mapping_coeffs = mapping_coeffs + (IndexedVariable('coeff_w', dtype='real', rank=dim),) mapping_values = mapping_values + tuple(mapping_wvalues) weights_elements = tuple(weights_elements) # ... # ... ranges # we add the degree because of the padding ranges_basis = [Range(i_spans[i], i_spans[i]+degrees[i]+1) for i in range(dim)] ranges_quad = [Range(orders[i]) for i in range(dim)] # ... # ... basic arguments self._basic_args = (orders) # ... # ... self._mapping_coeffs = mapping_coeffs self._mapping_values = mapping_values # ... # ... Nj = element_of(space, name='Nj') body = [] init_basis = {} atomic_exprs = self.elements + weights_elements inits, updates = compute_atoms_expr_mapping(atomic_exprs, indices_quad, indices_basis, basis, Nj) for init in inits: basis_name = str(init.lhs) init_basis[basis_name] = init init_basis = dict(sorted(init_basis.items())) body += list(init_basis.values()) body += updates # ... # put the body in tests for loops body = _create_loop(indices_basis, ranges_basis, body) if self.is_rational_mapping: stmts = rationalize_eval_mapping(self.mapping, self.nderiv,, indices_quad) body += stmts assign_spans = [] for x, i_span, span in zip(indices_quad, i_spans, spans): assign_spans += [Assign(i_span, span[x])] body = assign_spans + body # put the body in for loops of quadrature points body = _create_loop(indices_quad, ranges_quad, body) # initialization of the matrix init_vals = [f[[Slice(None,None)]*dim] for f in mapping_values] init_vals = [Assign(e, 0.0) for e in init_vals] body = init_vals + body func_args = self.build_arguments(degrees + spans + basis + mapping_coeffs + mapping_values) decorators = {} header = None if self.backend['name'] == 'pyccel': func_args = build_pyccel_type_annotations(func_args) elif self.backend['name'] == 'pythran': header = build_pythran_types_header(, func_args) return FunctionDef(, list(func_args), [], body, decorators=decorators,header=header)