Welcome to PSYDAC’s documentation!



This documentation is still under construction. For the time being, its purpose is to assist the developers. Find our GitHub repository here.

Psydac is a Python 3 library for isogeometric analysis (IGA). It uses high-order tensor-product splines, multi-patch mapped domains, and hybrid MPI-OpenMP parallelization.

In order to use Psydac, the user provides a geometry analytically or through an input file, and then defines the model equations in symbolic form (weak formulation) using SymPDE, which provides the mathematical expressions and checks the semantic validity of the model.

Once a finite element discretization has been chosen, Psydac maps the abstract concepts to concrete objects, the basic building blocks being MPI-distributed vectors and matrices. For all the computationally intensive operations (assembly of matrices, vectors, and norms, etc.), Psydac generates ad-hoc Python code which is then accelerated to Fortran speed using Pyccel.

Indices and tables#